International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
Subject Index of Advertisers. 399 Distillers. (See “Brewers.”) Drapers. Daly & Co, Glasgow ----- 3 Pettigrew & Stephens, Glasgow - - 4, 415 Shaw, John, Glasgow - 378 Simpson. Hunter & Young, Glasgow - 377 Wilson, Walter, & Co (Grand Colosseum Warehouse), Glasgow - - - . 376 Dyes and Dyeing. Bowie, W. & J., Glasgow - - 219 Electrical Appliances—including Electric Lighting, Telegraphs, and Telephones. Alley & MacLellan, Glasgow - - 220, Anti-Collision Telegraph Co, Ltd, Liverpool Baird & Tatlock, Glasgow ... Bennie, John, Glasgow .... British Schuckert Electric Co, Ltd, London (Paterson, Bell & Co, Ltd, Glasgow, Agents)............................ British Insulated Wire Co, Ltd, Prescot Clark, Scott & Co, Ltd, Glasgow Dick, Kerr & Co, Ltd, London - Electrical Co, Ltd, The, London Electric Construction Co, Ltd, London Electromotors, Ltd, Manchester Ericcson Bell Telephone Co, Glasgow Gordon, J., Glasgow - - - . Harburg India rubber C. Co, London Hendry, James, Glasgow - Hunter & Jack, Glasgow - Le Carbone, London M'Geoch, Wm , & Co, Ltd, Birmingham, Glasgow, and London- Martin^ W. C,, & Co, Glasgow - Scott, Edward, & Mountain, Ltd, Newcastle- on-Tyne ------ Steven, A. & P , Glasgow ... - Tudor Accumulator Co, Ltd, London 130, Weir, G. & J., Ltd, Glasgow - - 232, 221 297 144 228 - 298 97, 3or - 302 - 299 - 295 - 103 - 235 - 296 297 107 25i 103 295 93. 297 297 300 258 165 233 Engineering Appliances. Alley & MacLellan, Glasgow - - 220, 221 Aspinall’s Patent Governor Co, Liverpool - 263 Auld, David, & Sons, Glasgow - - - 249 Balderston & Co, Glasgow- - - - 96 Bennie, James, & Sons, Cardonald, Glasgow 287 Bennie, John, Glasgow .... 228 Boby, Robert, Ltd, Bury-St.-Edmunds - 62 Brierley, Thomas, Oldham - - - 249 Burton, C. W,, Griffiths & Co, London - 291 Carron Co, Stirlingshire - - - 12 Champion Friction Clutch Co, Ltd, Sheffield 261 Collet & Engelhard,Ltd.Offenbach,Germany 282 Colville, David, & Sons, Ltd, Motherwell 20, 23 Craig & Donald, Ltd, Johnstone - 115, 285 Davidson & Co Ltd, Belfast - - - 247 Dennystown Forge Co, Dumbarton - - 259 Ehrhart & Sehmer, Post Saarbrücken, Ger- many ...............................281 Fisher & Co, Paisley..................273 Fletcher, Russell & Co, Ltd, Warrington and Pendleton.....................267 Hannan & Buchanan, Glasgow - - - 167 Hastie, John, & Co, Greenock - - . 256 Hendry. James, Glasgow - - - 93. 251 International Pneumatic Tool Co, Ltd, London...............................283 Kesson, A., Glasgow.....................247 Kirchner & Co, London .... 274 Lawton & Parker, Manchester - - ♦ - 66 Lockwood & Carlisle, Ltd, Sheffield (D. Ferguson, Glasgow) .... 253 Loewe, Ludw., & Co, Ltd, London 116, 117, 290 Lowcock, Arthur • - - (Cover) 3 Loudon Bros, Johnstone - 225 Machinery Trust, Ltd, London - - 303-310 MacLellan, P, & W., Ltd, Glasgow - - 227 M'Onie, A. & P. W., Govan - - - 288 Melvin, T., & Sons, Glasgow - - - 217 Murray, M'Vinnie & Co, Glasgow - - 269 Newton & Nicholson, South Shields - - 250 Railton & Campbell, Glasgow - - - 254 Redpath, Brown & Co, Ltd, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and London - - . . 227 Robey & Co, Ltd, Lincoln - - . . 278 Ross, R. G., & Sons, Glasgow - - - 230 Shanks, Thomas, & Co, Johnstone - - 284 S mith, A. & W., & Co., Ltd, Glasgow - 286 S mith, Hugh, Glasgow - - - . ag2 Sterne, L., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - 260 S teven, A. & P., Glasgow - 25$ Steven & Struthers, Glasgow - - - 260 Tullis, John, & Son, Ltd, Glasgow - - 18 V icars, T. & T., Earlstown, Lancs. - - 256 Willock, Fred. G., Glasgow - - 254 Engineers—Consulting, etc. Sherard, Cowper Coles & Co, Ltd, London..............................132 Fancy Goods. Ardeshir & Byramji, London - - - 324 Bhumgara, FramjeeP., London, - - 215 Reid & Todd, Glasgow 29 Shaw, John, Glasgow . - . . ^78 Varian, I. S., & Co, Dublin - - - 27 Filters. Boothman Patent Filter Syndicate, Ltd, Glasgow - - - ... - 248 Davie & Horne, Glasgow - . - - 255 Kesson, A., Glasgow- - - - 247 “Reliance” Patent Feed Water Regulator 248 Fine Art Dealers. Connell, James, & Son, Glasgow - - 223 Fire Appliances. Findlay, Alex., & Co, Ltd, Motherwell - 375 Fletcher, Russell & Co, Ltd, Warrington and Pendleton ----- 267 Glenfield & Kennedy, Ltd, Kilmarnock - 277 Miller, William, Glasgow - - . . 333 Fisheries. Buchanan, James, Glasgow - - - 378 Horton, W., Glasgow 6 Foods- Bermaline Bread (Montgomerie & Co, Ltd. Glasgow) ..... 44) 67 Bilsland Bros., Glasgow - - - . ^70 Colquhoun, Alex., Glasgow 5 Crosse & Blackwell London - - - 74 Eclipse Baking Co, Glasgow - - - 2 Flint's Tea Rooms, Glasgow - - - 14 Gray, John, & Co, Glasgow Hay, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - . 150, 151 International Plasmon, Ltd, London - 366