International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
400 Subject Index of Advertisers. Page Klaus’s Chocolate, London 73 Macfarlane, & Co, Glasgow - - - 368 M'Vitie & Price, Edinburgh (Back of Cover) Milne, Geo.. & Co, Glasgow 48 Protene Co, Ltd, London .... 365 Scott, A. & R., Ltd, Glasgow - - - 147 Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd, Glasgow ----- 369 Skinner, Wm., & Son, Lt i - - - 43 Stewart & Young, Glasgow 39 Thomson, Brown & Co, Glasgow - - 371 Weir, T. & W,, Glasgow - - - ■ 368 Foundries. Auld, David, & Sons, Glasgow - - 249 British Hydraulic Foundry Co, Ltd, Glasgow 268 Dennystown Forge Co, Dumbarton - - 259 Dobbie, Forbes & Co, Glasgow - - 11 Fletcher. Russell & Co, Ltd, Warrington and Pendleton........................267 France & Morgan, Govan - - - - 243 Kinnaird & Ferguson, Glasgow - - 264 M'Culloch, Moses, & Co, Glasgow - - 166 Macfarlane, Walter, & Co, Glasgow - - 265 M'Dowall, Steven & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 266 M'Neil, Chas., Glasgow .... 229 Samuelson & Co, Ltd, Oxon . - - 227 Steven & Struthers, Glasgow ... 260 Fuel Economisers. Clay Cross Company, Chesterfield - - 318 Green, E., & Son, Ltd, Manchester ■ no, in Lowcock, Arthur, Ltd, Shrewsbury - - 417 Furnaces and Fire Grates. Deighton’s Patent Flue, and Tube Co, Ltd, Leeds...............................109 Dobbie, Forbes & Co. Glasgow - 11 Fletcher, Russell & Co, Ltd, Warrington and Pendleton ----- 267 ! Gaulci, Edgar, Aberdeen .... 361 i Lowcock, Arthur, Ltd, Shrewsbury (Cover) 3 I M'Dowall, Steven & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 266 | Vicars, T. & T., Earlston, Lane. - - 256 Furniture, Shop Fittings, Show Cases, etc. Campbell, James, & Co,"Glasgow - - 337 Chalmers & Beveridge, Glasgow - - 351 Forrest & Son, Glasgow .... 351 Hampton & Sons, Ltd, London • - 88 Mason, Samuel, Ltd, Birmingham - - 339 Oliver Typewriter Co. Ltd, London - - 356 Remington Wabash Co, Ltd, London - 357 Ruxton, W., & Co, Aberdeen - - - 349 Scott Bros, Manchester - - - - 383 Sumner & Co, Ltd, London and Glasgow 350 Waring’s, London - - - - 52, 53 Waterson & Thomson, Glasgow - - 222 Wylie & Lochhead, Ltd, Glasgow - - 224 Garden and Greenhouse Accessories. Fletcher, Russell & Co, Ltd, Warrington and Pendleton.........................267 M'Dowall, Steven & Co, Glasgow - - 266 Macfailane, Walter, & Co, Glasgow - - 265 Cas. Alder & Mackay, I-klinbiirtjh ... 340 Fletcher, Russell & Co, Ltd, Warrington and Pendleton ----- 267 Home and Colonial Acetylene Gas Syndi- cate, Ltd, The, Glasgow - - - 340 Page Patent Paraffin Gas Lighting Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - - - 339 "Sunbeam” Acetylene Gas Lighting Co, Belfast - 61 Gas Engines. National Gas Engine Co, Ltd, Ashton- under-Lyne..........................98 Robey & Co, Ltd, Lincoln - 278 Goldsmiths and Silversmiths. See “Jewellers” Gun and Bifle Manufacturers. Horton, W., Glasgow .... 6 Ingram, Charles, Glasgow - - - - 339 Gutta Percha and India Rubber. M'Lellan, Geo,. & Co, Maryhill - - 273 Warne, Wm., & Co, Ltd, London - - 372 Harness and Saddlery. M‘Donald, David, Glasgow - - - 368 Ogilvie, A ,& Co., Glasgow - - - 371 Horse Shoe Pads. Miller & Tay’or, Glasgow - 353 Reid, A., & Co., Glasgow • 356 Hydraulics and Pumping Machines. Bennie, John, Glasgow ... - 223 Boothman Patent Filter Syndicate, Ltd, Glasgow............................248 Davie & Horne, Glasgow - - - - 255 Drysdale & Co, Glasgow .... 23t Electric Construction Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 103 Glenfield & Kennedy, Ltd Kilmarnock - 277 MacDonald, John, & Co. Pollokshaws - 250 MOnie, A. & P. W., Gkv-gow - - - 288 “Reliance” Patent Feed Water Regulator Co, Glasgow - - - - - 248 Schaffer & Budenberg, London, Glasgow, and Manchester ----- 257 Steven, A. & P., Glasgow - - - - 258 Stewart, D. Y., & Co, Glasgow - - - 226 Weir, G. & J., Ltd, Glasgow - - 232, 233 Wilson Fil ter Syndicate, Ltd, Thé, Glasgow 248 Insurance. English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association, Glasgow - - 2 Imperial Accident, Live Stock and General Insurance Co, Ltd - 214 Royal Insurance,Co, Liverpool and London (Cover) 1 Scottish Imperial Life Office, Glasgow - 34 Heating and Lighting. Campbell, T. B , & Sons, Glasgow - . 343 Clark. S., & Co, London - - - - 141 Crittall, Rich , & Co, London - - - 342 Fletcher, Russell & Co, Ltd, Warrington and Pendleton..........................267 Lowcock, Arthur, Ltd, Shewsbury (Cover) 3 Main, R. & A., Ltd, London, Glasgow, and Falkirk............................340 Price’s Patent Candle Co, Ltd, London - 77 Hotels and Health Resorts. Alexandra Hotel, Oban - - • 8 Blackpool................................10 Buchanan’s Tontine Hotel Greenock - 333