International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Subject Index of Advertisers.
Shipbuilding—including Yachts and Launches
Beardmore, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - - 236
Borthwick, J. F., & Co - - - - 302
Brown, John, & Co, Clydebank - - - 133
Clyde Model Dock Yard and Engine Depot,
Glasgow - - - - - - 385
Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co,
Ltd, Glasgow.........................240
Fry, Sir Theodore, & Co, Ltd, Darlington 264
Henderson, David & William & Co, Ltd,
Glasgow - -1. . - - 239
Kincaid, John G., & Co, Greenock - - 242
M'Geoch, William, & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 297
Mackenzie & Co, Glasgow - - - - 358
Napier & Miller, Ltd......................237
North British Yacht Agency, Glasgow - 302
Shearer, John, & Son, Glasgow - - - 241
Simpson, Strickland, & Co, Ltd, Sheffield 272
Stephen, Alex , & Sons, Ltd, Glasgow - 238
Stirling’s Motor Carriages, Ltd, Glasgow
106, i2i, 137
Ships—Riggings, Fittings, and Appliances.
Fisher & Co, Paisley ----- 273
Hall, J. & D., Ltd, Dartford - - 113,275
Hastie, John, & Co, Ltd, Greenock - - 256
Mackenzie, A. & C., Glasgow - - - 348
Mitchell, Andrew, & Co, Ltd, Glasgow and
Murray, M‘Vin nie, & Co, Glasgow - - 269
Peters, G. D., & Co., London - - - 16
Thomson, M. C., & Co, Glasgow - - 374
Buchanan, James, Glasgow - - - 378
Horton, Wm., Glasgow 6
Ingram, Charles, Glasgow - - - 339
Lawrie, R. G., Glasgow .... 362
Cillott, Joseph, Birmingham 69
Lorimer, Wm., Glasgow - - - 47, 131
M‘Niven & Cameron, Ltd, Edinburgh - 46
Mitchell, William, Birmingham - - - 363
Morison Bros, Glasgow 36
Steam Engines, Boilers, and Appliances
connected therewith.
Alley & MacLellan, Glasgow - - 220, 221
Clay Cross Co, Chesterfield - - - 318
Clydeside Tube Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - 153
Davie & Horne, Glasgow - - - - 255
Dubs & Co, Glasgow.......................279
Ehrhart & Sehmer, Post Saarbrücken,
France & Morgan, Glasgow - - - 243
Green’s Economiser - - - - no, m
Henderson, David & William, & Co, Ltd,
Lanarkshire Steel Co, Ltd, Motherwell - 5
Lindsay, Burnet & Co, Govan - - - 274
Lockwood & Carlisle, Ltd, Sheffield - - 253
MacLellan, George, & Co, - - - 273
M'Onie, A. & P. W., Govan - - - 288
Neilson, Reid & Co, Glasgow 91
Newton & Nicholson, South Shields - - 250
Penman & Co, Glasgow .... 271
Railton & Campbell, Glasgow - - - 254
Reid, MacFarlane & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 270
Rpbey & Co, Ltd, Lincoln - - - - 278
Ross & Duncan, Glasgow - - - - 218
Simpson, Strickland & Co, Ltd, Dartmouth 272
Steven & Struthers, Glasgow - - - 260
Stewart, A. & J., & Menzies, Ltd, Glasgow 217
Stirling Boiler Co, Edinburgh ... 135
Tullis, John, & Son, Ltd, Glasgow - - 18
Stoves, Ranges, Registered Grates & Ovens.
Clark, S., & Co, London - - - . 141
Campbell, T. B., & Sons, Glasgow - - 343
Ca ron Co, Stirlingshire 12
Dobbie, Forbes & Co, Glasgow - - - 11
Fletcher, Russell & Co, Warrington and
Pendleton ...... 267
Gauld, Edgar, Aberdeen - - - - 361
Kinnaird & Ferguson, Glasgow - - - 264
M'Dowall, Steven & Co, Glasgow - - 266
Textile Fabrics and Machinery.
Carver Looms, Ltd, Glasgow - - - 99
Daly & Co, Glasgow ----- 3
Foster, John, & Son, Ltd, Bradford - 373
MacCoard, Wm., & Son, Glasgow - - 105
Mitchell, Andrew, & Co, Ltd, - - - 330
Simpson, Hunter & Young, Glasgow - - 377
Thomson, M. C., & Co, Glasgow - - 374
Wilson, Matheson & Co, Glasgow - - 37g
American Agency, Glasgow - - 82, 83
Chicago Typewriter (W. Lorimer), Glasgow 192c
Nesbitt, J. & M., Glasgow - - - 358
Oliver Typewriter Co, London and Glasgow 356
Remington Wabash Co, Ltd, London and
Yost Typewriter Co, Glasgow and London 42
Cohen, Weenen & Co, London 72
Smith, F. & J., Glasgow - (Back of Cover)
Mitchell, Stephen, & Son, Glasgow 1
Sturgeon & Co, London 72
Umbrella Makers.
Reid & Todd, Glasgow 29
Brierley, Thomas, Oldham - - . 249
Crittall, Richard, & Co, London - - 342
Davidson & Co, Ltd, Belfast - - - 247
! Kesson, A., Glasgow....................247
Murray, M‘Vinnie, & Co, Glasgow - - 269
War Material.
Nobel's Explosives Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 338
Wire and Wire Netting.
Allan, Whyte, & Co, Rutherglen - 244
British Insulated Wire Co, Ltd, Prescot 97, 301
Caledonian Wire Rope Co, Ltd, Airdrie - 245
Cousland, Alex., Glasgow - - - - 347
Leitch, Arch. A., Glasgow- - - - 347
M'Donald, Robert, & Son, Glasgow - - 348
Newall, R. S., & Son, Ltd, Washington,
Co. Durham.........................246
Riddell, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - - - 349
Rowat, Alex., & Co, Glasgow - - - 349
Wood-Wood Buildings and Wood Workings.
Brownlie & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - - 360
Glover & Co, Leeds ----- 294
Mackenzie, A. C., Glasgow - - - 348
Speirs & Co, Glasgow ... 64, 5$
Yarns and Hosiery.
Paton, John, Son, & Co, Alloa - - - 19
Stibbe, G., & Co, Leicester ... 81