International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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___________________________ ____ _______ ____________ ..... ______ _____________ GENERAL INDEX OF EXHIBITORS AND ADVERTISERS. For List of Foreign Exhibits—see their respective Sections. Stand No. Page Aberdeen Journal and Evening Ex- press, Aberdeen - - - - 311 Acme Steel & Foundry Co, Shettleston 23? 427, 9j3, 1073 Acme Manufacturing Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 56, 98, 142, 166 Acme Tea Chest Co, Ltd, Glasgow - « 282 Adams, Robert, London - - - 85 Adam, Stephen, & Son, Glasgow - « 583 Adamson, Daniel, & Co, Manchester in 1007 Adair, Mrs.___________________x6g 30 Agricultural Research Assoc, Aberdeen 6^ 449 Aird & Coghill, Glasgow - 100, 195, 313 819 Ailsa Shipbuilding Co, Troon - - ' 137 36 Albert, E. & H.. London ... 65 Albert Manfg Co, New Brunswick - 183 Alberts, G. L., & Co, Holland - - 54 915 Albion Albumenizing Co, Glasgow - 146 Aldous, Rev. J. C. P., Derby - - 112 893 Alder & Mackay, Edinburgh - 141, 340 186 Alexander, Fergusson & Co, Glasgow ’ 77 856 Alexander, Win., & Co, Glasgow - 137 430 Allan, Whyte & Co, Rutherglen 99, 244 Allan, Jas. & Alex., Glasgow - - 327 257 Allan, James, & Sou, Ltd., Edinburgh 83 Allan, R. L., & Son, Glasgow - - 71 582 Al ey & MacLellan, Polmadie, piasgovv - - 56, 113, 220, 221 286 American Agency, Glasgow - 82, 83, 86 545 American Radiator Co,'London - 109 901 American Wringer Co, Ltd, Glasgow 142 88 Ames Crosta Sanitary Engineering Co 69 314 Anaglypta Branch of the Wal] Paper Manuf, Ltd, Darwen, Lancashire 53, 88 854 Anchor Line (Henderson Bros.), Ltd,' Glasgow - 137, 329 535 Anderson Bros.. Glasgow - - - 108 Anderson, Anderson & Co., London 326 238 Anderson’s, John, Royal Polytechnic; Ltd, Glasgow - - - - 81 Stand No. paoe Armstrong, J. B., Manufacturing; Co, Ltd, Ontario - Tg. Arrol, Arch., & Sons, Ltd, Glasgow - 74.1 Arup, Win., Copenhagen - - -213 500 Aspinall’s Patent Governor Co ____ . Liverpool - - - - joj, 263 ß >7 Assafrey, Alex. T., Glasgow - - n'- 20G Association of Diamond Merchants, 3 Jewellers, and Silversmiths, Ltd’ London ' • - - - 78 Atkinson, L. B & C. W., Cardiff - Auld D., & Sons, Glasgow - c8 210 Austin & M'Aslan, Glasgow - -’cl 415 Avery, W. & T., Ltd, Glasgow- 59, 97 1115 541 56 156 109 139 Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd, Glasgow - Bagley, Miss Clive - - . Bagshawe & Co, London - - . Bailey, W. H , & Co, Ltd, Man- chester ____________________ Bain, David, & Co, Glasgow Baines, Edward, & Sons Leeds 213, 538 Baird, John, Glasgow - Baird & Stevenson 931 Baird & latlock, Glasgow- 398 Balderston & Co, Glasgow 240 Baldwin & Wa ker, Halifax, Yorks 464, 521, 1034 Barclay, Andrew, Sons 853 477 153 365 1007 99 513 3Ö9 79. 133 Anderson & Shaw, Glasgow - - 70 992 Anderson, Willie, Partick - - . 154 571 Anderston Foundry Co, Ltd, Glasgow 112 113 Andre & Sleigh, Ltd, Herts - - 71 1106 Andreaser, C., Copenhagen - - iss 423 Andrew, J. E. II., & Co, Ltd Reddish 98 Anglo-Canadian Produce, Ltd, L'pool 181 199 Anglo Italian Talc & Plumbago Mines Co, Ltd, Liverpool - - 78 10 7 Anketell Jones, Capt., Oughterard - 169 Anketell Jones, P. W., Oughterard - 169 106, 1063 Annan, T. & R., & Sons, Glasgow - - - 32, 70, 165 500 Anti Collision Alarm Telegraph Co, Ltd, Liverpool - - - - 297 540 Anti-Fiiction Alloys Co, Ltd, London 109 1007 Antrim Iron Ore Co, Ltd, Belfast - 173 1134 Applied Art Division - - - - irq 293 Archer’s, Ltd, Wakefield - - - 86 “ India"—Ardishir & Pyraniji, London 175, 324 1007 Ardara Drawn Work Class, Donegal 171 1007 Arigna Mining Co, Ltd, Leitrim - 173 Atkinson, Geo. E., Manitoba - - 186 1105a Armenian Exhibit - - . 179 Armstrong, Rich., Preston, Lancas. - 76 Co, Ltd, Kilmarnock - 102, Barclay, Curie & Co, Glasgow - ' Barr, H., & Stroud, Glasgow - Barrie, G-. & P., Glasgow - Banveil, Chas. J. W., Birmingham barrow Steam Navigation Co - Bayley & Feiguson, Glasgow - Beardmore, Wm., & Co, Glasgow Beardmore, Win., & Co, Govan Beck, Adam, Ontario Beer, Max, Wien, Austria Belfast & Northern Co’s Railway Bell, J. & T., Quebec Bell’s Asbestos Co, Quebec Benduff yiate Company, Ire'and Bennie, John, Glasgow Bennie, Jas.. & Sons, Cardonald Bennet Furnishing Co, Glasgow Benson W. A. S., & Co, London Besson & Co, Ltd, London l( t ^u^er Mfg; Co, Ontario India —Bhumgara, Framjee P., & C London x Bickell & Wickett Ontario Biggar. Alex.. Glasgow - Bigge, D. Selby, & Co, Glasgow Bilsland Bros, Glasgow __ __ __ Billington & Newton, Longfoort Staffs. .... Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co, London - Blackburn Bros, Ontario - Blacklock & M‘Arthur, Glasgow 381 Blast Furnace Power Syndicate, Ltd London Boby, Robt., Ltd, Bury St Edmund^ 46G 1007 1C07 416 296 1067 940 952 274 1121, 1121 Glasgow Houses of Shelter 53 73 40 109 ■ 192E - '44 - 96 - 81 & 107, 162 - '37 59. 103 74 9« 172 70 236 236 185 102 171 184 106 92, 97, .0, 173 228 287 86 165 146 184 184 146 370 r39 85 183 158 334 94 62