International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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General Index of Exhibitors and Advertisers. 405 Page Stand No. 361 Bohler Bros & Co, Sheffield - 91, 92 1001, 1055 Bon Accord Acetylene Gas Company, Aberdeen - 56 161, 164 376 Boothman Patent Filter Syndicate, Glasgow - - - 94, 248 944 Boosey & Co, London - - i44> *45 Borough of Blackpool - - - 10 Borthwick, John K, & Co, Glasgow - 302 Boston Wood Rim Co, Ontario- - 184 Bostwick Collapsible Gate and Shutter Co, Ltd, London 53 Boulter, W., & Sons, Ontario - - 182 87 Bourtreehill Coal Co, Dreghorn - 68 158 Bovril, Ltd, London 74 891 Bowie, W. & J., Glasgow - - I41, 2I9 1093 Boyd, James, & Sons, Paisley - 59> 550 Boyle, Robt., & Son, Ltd, Glasgow and 470 Braby, Fred , & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 9, 102 101'7 Bracken, John, Lanesboro- - - 173 555 Bradford, Thos., & Co, Salford, Manchester . - - - 33, no 136 Brand & Co, Ltd, London - - 73 Breithaupt L’her Co, Ltd, Ontario - 184 594 Brierley, Thos., Oldham - - 114,249 943 Briggs, Jas. W., Glasgow - - - 145 328 Briggs, Wm., Manchester- - - 89 988 Brinkley, R., & Son, Glasgow - - 154 British Columbia Salmon Association 182 British Aluminium Company, Ltd - 56 1007 British & Irish St. Pkt. Co - - 172 406, 407 British Insulated Wire Co, Ltd, Prescot, Lancs. - -56. 97 . 3O1 British & Italian Mosaic Co, Ltd, Glasgow............................52 506 British Griffin Chilled Iron & Steel Co, Ltd, London - - - - 105 511 British Hydraulic Foundry Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - - . 106, 268 612, 100C>, 1UG1, 1071 British Schlickert Electric Co, Ltd, London 56, 57, 116, 161, 164, 166, 298 1040 British Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co, London - - 163 305 British Charrier Wood Carving Co, Ltd, London - - - - 87 420 Broadbent, Thomas, & Sons, Ltd, Huddersfield - - - * 98 868 Broadfoot, John, & Sons, Whiteinch, Glasgow ----- 138 Brodie, Agnes B., Quebec - - - I°4 1007 Brooke, Sir Douglas, Bart., Brooksboro 109 295 Brown & Co, Glasgow . - - »6 Brown Bros., Uddingston - - - 55 Brown & Young, Glasgow Brown, Thomson & Co, Glasgow - 371 Brown Bros. & Co, New Brunswick - 182 930 Brown James, Glasgow - - 144 358 832 Brown, John, & Co, Ltd, Clydebank 133 217 Brown. Jolin S.. & Sons, Belfast - 80 18S Brown, Wm., Sons & Co, Glasgow - 77 Brownlee & Co, Ltd, Port-Dundas, Glasgow ----- 360 156 Brownlie, Jas., & Son, Barrhead - 74 Brownlie & Murray, Ltd, Possilpark, Glasgow 27° Browett. Lindley & Co, Ltd, Patri- croft, Nr Manchester 57 200 Broxburn Oil Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 78 British Columbia Dairyman's Assotn. 181 Brome Company Cheese Association, Quebec ------ 181 British American Timber and Manu- facturing Co, Ontario - • - 185 Stand No. Pag<= Brunette, Joseph, Quebec - - - 182 196 Brunner, Mond & Co, Ltd, Northwich, Cheshire - - - 77. 32O>- 321 102 Bryce, David, & Sons, Glasgow - 70 370 Bryden & Middleton, Whiteinch, Glasgow 93' 969 Buchanan, Jas., Glasgow - ■ 153, 378 Buchanan, George, Rothesay - - 332 Buchanan, Mrs, Greenock - - 333 161 Buchanan, John, & Bros., Ltd, Glasgow 75. 804 Buchanan, J., & Co., Glasgow - 118, 119. 859 Buchanan, Walter, Glasgow - - 137 460 Buck & Hickman, London - - 102 250 Buckley, Wm., Delph, Nr. Oldham - 82 82 Buick, Chas., & Sons, Alloa - - 68- 381 Bull’s Metal & Melloid Co, Ltd, London............................94 1039 Bullard Machine Tool Co, London - 163. 838, 1007 Burns, G. & J., Glasgow 134, 172, 327 201 Burmah Oil Co Ltd, Glasgow - - 78 459 Burton, C. W., Griffiths, & Co, London .... IOI| 291 317 Burroughes Adding & Registering Machine Co, Nottingham - - 8& 970 Burroughes & Watts, Ltd, Glasgow 53, 153 118 Old Bushmills Distillery Co, Ltd, Belfast...........................71 *' Canada "—Butter and Cheese Association of Eastern Ontario, Ontario - - 181 “ Canada ”—Butter and Cheese Association of Western Ontario, Ontario - 181 852 Caird & Co, Ltd, Greenock - - 137 Calder, Alexander, Manitoba - - 18& Calder, John W., Ontario - - - 181 265 Caldwell, Hamilton & Sons, Glasgow 84 4 Caledonian Wire Rope Co, Ltd, Airdrie..........................63, 245. Caledonian Railway Co, Glasgow - 380 374 Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co, Ltd, Cambridge - - 9S 514 Cammell, Chas., & Co, Ltd, Sheffield ... - 106, 262 937 Campbell & Co, Glasgow - - 145, 293. 425 Campbell Gas Engine Co, Ltd. Halifax and Glasgow q& 308 Campbell, James, & Co, Glasgow 87, 337 Campbell, Matthew, Blantyre - - 55 85 Campbell, Thos. B., & Sons, Glas- gow ----- 68, 345 Canada Carriage Co, Ontario - - 184 Canada Copper Co, Ontario - - 183, Canada Corundum Co, Ltd, Ontario 183. Canada Furniture Manufactures, Ltd, Ontario- - ... - . 183; Canada Iron Furnace Co, Ltd, Quebec 183 Canada Paint Company, Quebec - 182- Canadian Bank of Commerce - - 182 1033 Canadian Building ... 162, 180 Canadian Composing Co, Quebec - 180 Canadian Fur Co, Quebec - - - 184 Canadian Government - - - 176 Canadian Office and School Furniture Co, Ltd, Ontario - - - - 185 Canadian Pac. R’way. Co, Quebec 180, 184 Canadian Rubber Co... - 184 Canadian Smelting Works - - 182 Cantrell & Cochrane, Ltd, Glasgow - 192A 611, 909 Carron Co, Carron, Stirling- shire - - - 12, 116, 142 429 Carver Looms, Ltd, Glasgow - - 99 386 Carbon Cement Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 95 395 Carbone, Le, London - - 95, 295 Carlton, Charles, & Son, Glasgow - 52