International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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________ ________ ___________________________ _________________________ 4o6 General Index of Exhibitors and Advertisers. ___________ 'Stand No. 447 577 112 1007 Page Carlaw, David, & Sons, Glasgow - wo Carrick, Jas.. & Son, Ltd, Edinburgh c8 Caulfield & Co; Glasgow 41, 50, 75, 155 r- .u t XS7’ T58> x59> 160, 212 Carruthers, J. H., & Co, Glasgow 57, iTa Cassell & Co, Ltd, London Castle Bellingham Home Industries, Co. Louth, Carrickmacross - Castlecary Fire Clay Co, Ltd, Glasgow comer - - . . "‘ _ 71 377 j_________________j___„„ 1007 Castlecomer Basket Industry, Castle- comer - - . . ’ . Cayzer, Irvine & Co, Glasgow • Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa - 151 Cerebos, Ltd, Newcastle-on-Tyne - 97 Chambers, W. & R., Ltd, Edinburgh q9ft Chardonnet Silk Co. Ltd, London - Champion Friction Clutch Co, Sheffield - - . - 114 Chemical Fertilizer Assoc of United Kingdom ____________________.... Chalmers & Beveridge, Glasgow Chiswick Soap Co, London Christie, W., & Co, Glasgow - Chubb & Sons, Lock & Safe Co, Ltd London -..If 508,1062, Churchill, Charles, & Co, Ltd~ -892 -567 840 326 590 38 170 94 169 135 184 74 7° 89 261 181 393 273 66 3.51' 76 95 53, 84 106, 165, 289 141 414 411 1007 10U7 437 £82 259 Glasgow - - . Clark, S., & Co, London - Clarke, Chapman & Co, Ltd, Gates- head - - . _ . Clarke, Stenvenson & Co, Ltd, IBcirnsley Clay Cross Co, Chesterfield - 97, Clarksburg Wood Room Co, Ltd, ’ Ontario City of Dublin St. Pkt. Co. Dublin - City of Cork Steam Packet Co, Cork Clark, Scott & Co, Ltd, Glasgow C lifton, & Waddell, Johnstone - Clyde Nail Co, Ltd, Newton Clyde Rubber Wks. Co, Ltd, Glasgow Clydeside Tube Co, Ltd, Glasgow - Coats, J. & P., Ltd, Paisley Coates, Victor, & Co, Ltd, Belfast - Coates, Wm„ & Sons, Ltd, Belfast - Cochran, Chas. S., Ontario 215 510 1007 _ . Kzijcia, t v/uiario 569, d95 Cochrane, John, Barrhead C7 112 919 fVMlrnn,. 0, l.'l I r' > ’ 212 Cochrane & Fleming, Glasgow - Cockshutt Plow Co, Ltd, Ontario - Cocticelli Silk Co, Quebec - 1007 Cogan, J., & Son, Midleton, Co. Cork________________________ Cole’s Ointment - - 1061 Collet & Engelhard, Offenbach, Main, Germany - - - . . 117 Colman. J. & J., Norwich - Colquhoun, Alex., Glasgow Columbia Handle & Lumber Co, Ontario_________________________ Condensing St. Chas. Co, Ontario - 517 Colville, David, & Sons, Ltd, Mother- well .... 20. 23 327 Conder & Co, Ltd, Cheshire - ’ - ’ 926 Consolidated Telephone Construction ,.A_ Manufacturing Co, Ltd, London - 1007 Congested Districts Board for Ireland Dublin____________________1 inn-. £Onne11’ )aS-> & S°ns, Glasgow 1(107 Convent of Mercy, Queenstown, Co. of Mercy, Roscarherry, Co. of Mercy, Skibbereen, Co. L-UFK - 1007 Convent of Mercy, Ennis, Co. Clare - Cork 1007 Convent Cork 1607 Convent Cork 112 97 318 184 172 172 302 99 94 83 153 79 106 170 180 114 79 184 184 173 *43 282 71 6 *85 181 107 89 144 173 223 171 Stand No. 1007 Convoy Woollen Mills, Convoy, Co. Donegal . . . . 1 839 Cook, Thomas, & Son, London ^°°,k’ ,Wm ’ & Co’ Ltd> Sheffield - ^.ook' Wm-> & Sons, Sheffield - Cork, Bandon, and South Coast Rail Co. Cork . \ £ork ,Steamship Co, Ltd, Cork - Connick, Canon, Glentiesm ) Corry, Wm., & Co, Ltd, Belfast - Cory Bros & Co, Ltd, Cardiff - Cossar, John, Govan, Glasgow - ’ Courtenay, Colonel, Cork - Cousland, Alex., & Son, Glasgow Cox, J. & G., Ltd, Edinburgh - Craddock, John, C.B., Glasgow Ciaig& Donald, Ltd, Johnstone m Cranston’s Tea Rooms, Ltd, Glasgow" Crawford, John, Glasgow - - ' . Ctawford & MacGillivary, Glasgow - Crawford Mun. Sch. . Crittall, Rich., & Co, London - m Croall, R., Douglas, Midlothian Croft & Perkins, Bradford - Cross, Alex., & Sons, Ltd, Glasgow • Crosse & Blackwell, Ltd, London Cross,ey Bros, Ltd, Manchester Crows’Nest Pass Coal Co, Fernie, B.C. Cumberland Pencil Co, Keswick Cummer, D. N., Ontario - Cunard Steamship Co, Ltd, Liverpool Cunningham, Fraser, & Co Edin- burgh - . - . ’ Currie, Thomson & Co, Glasgow Curry, E , Abbeyleix, Queen’s County Cussons, George. Manchester - Cyclostyle Co, London Dairyman’s Association of Prince Edward Island .... Daily Record, Glasgow 3c - Daly, Jas , & Co, Glasgow ~ . 1007 Dalkev Co-operative Needlework Soc. Dalkey, Co. Dublin - . ’ 475 Daniell, S. A , Ltd, Birmingham - 49), 1058 Darlington Forge Co Ltd Darlington - . . ’. Io; inn-7 „7’ 1 axnian&Co, Ltd, Colchester 1007 Davidson, W. J., Grey Abbey - lo9 Davidson, R. & W., Glasgow Davidson & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - Davidson, Thos., Manufacturing Co Ltd, Quebec - . . . > Davies &, Liverpool > Davie & Horne, Glasgow - - TII Davies, The Wm., & Co, Ltd, Ontario’ > Decoration Needlework Soc, London Defnes, J., & Son, Ltd, London Ddghtön s Patent Flue and 1’ube Co Ltd, Leeds - . . T ’s DAl!a ™ e’ ’ & Co- ■ Ltd’ London ’ Delta Metal Co, Ltd, London - Denny, Wm., & Bros., Dumbarton - Dennystown Forge Co, Dumbarton - Department of Agriculture & Technical instruction for Ireland, Dublin - Dewar, John, & Sons, Ltd, Perth Dick & Parker, Glasgow - Dick, Kerr, & Co, London Dick, R & J., Glasgow Dick, W. B., & Co, Glasgow - Dickson, Hugh, Belfast . Dillon, T„ Galway .... Diamond Match Co, Ltd, Liverpool ’ 1007 1007 1(107 119 1 10!>7 1044 134 209 132 315 1105 1007 558 363 599 36 152 428 433 855 260 1007 9« 953 1049 556 1102 528 95 498 &3 1007 138 520 1007 171 Page 173 *35 104 103 - 171 - 172 - 173 - 71 - 63 - 3^2 - 173 163, 347 - 73 - 79 115- 285 72 88 155 170 342 II5 74 98 182 99 181 T37 55 83 170 144 146 - 181 30, 90, 136 192B, 3 171 103 164 57 171 74 247 183 163 255 182 155 282 Tog 105 *33 259 107, 172 73 334 299 58 58 55 170 75