International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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4o8 General Index ot Exhibitors and Advertisers.
Stand No.
403, 605 General Electric Co, Ltd - 96,
600 Gibbs, John, & Son, Liverpool -
Gibson, Wm., & Co, Glasgow -
Gibson, George, & Co, Glasgow
289 Gilchrist, Alexander, Glasgow -
Gillespie & Wilson, Glasgow
220 Gilligan & Son, London -
96 Gillott, Joseph, & Sons, Birmingham
11U7 Gilmour, Miss M., Glasgow
Gilmour & Co, Ontario
115 Gilmour & Dean Glasgow
Glasgow & S.-Western Railway Co,
Glasgow 2
512 Glasgow Iron & Steel Co, Ltd,
Glasgow - - - -15,
14 Glasgow Dairy Co, Glasgow
534 Glasgow Herald, Glasgow
1115 Glasgow School of Art -
.1007 Glanville E S., Dublin
127 Glebe Sugar Refining Co, Ltd,
230 Glen, John, Glasgow - - .
89 Glenboig Union Fire Clay Co, Ltd,
Glasgow 69,
Glenburn Hydro, Rothesay
504 Glengarnock Iron and Steel Co, Ltd,
126 Glendinning & Sons, Ltd, Newcastle-
on-Tyne -----
431 Glenfield & Kennedy, Ltd, Kil-
marnock - - 53, 57, 58, 99,
Globe Furniture Co, Ltd, Ontario
Globe Co, Glasgow - - . .
904 Glover, Thomas, & Co, Ltd, Glas.
26 r
gow___________________142, 294
208 Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co, Ltd,
88 Goodall, Lamb, & Highway, Man-
chester ------ 69
Goold, Shapeley & Muir Co, Ontario 186
Gordon, John, Glasgow - - . 297
Gordon, 'I'., Glasgow - - -174
135 Gordon & Dilworth Tomato Catsup,
Ltd, London 73
1007 Gort Home Industries, Gort, Galway 174
8 Govan Ropework Co, Ltd. Govan - 63
Grafton & Co, Bedford
1007 Grant, J. & F., Toome Bridge,
Co. Antrim - Ty2
1007 Granite Quarries Co, Ltd, Co. Mayo 173
Grand Avenue Restaurant - - 168
Grand Trunk Railway Co, Quebec - 184
Grant Arms Hotel, Grantown - - 8
Grant, Cameron & Curie, Glasgow - 323
992 Gray, John, Prize Dairy Works,
Stranraer .... T,2
608 Gray, John & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 14, nr
809, 1007 Great Southern and Western
Railway Co, Dublin - 51, 119, 171
1007 Great Northern Rail. Co, Dublin - 171
817 Great Western Railway Co, London - 120
1115 Greaves, Mrs - - - . jr6
554, 1051 Green, E., & Son, Ltd, Wake-
field___________________164, no, in
310 Greenwich Inlaid Linoleum Co, Ltd,
Gresham & Craven, Ltd, Manchester 58
Grove, John, & Son, Birmingham - 384
Grosvenor Refreshment Rooms- - 168
Groat, John H., & Co, Ontario- - 185
131 Gum I ragasol Supply Co, Ltd,
Liverpool ----- 72
Guthrie, J. & W., & Andrew Wells, '
Ltd, Glasgow
Stand No.
450 Haddon, John, & Co, London - - 101
Haddow, Forbes & Co (Stafford-
shire Tileries), Glasgow - 54, 362
“Persia”—Hadji Ali Akbar & Sons, London 175
468 Hafter, A., Glasgow - - - - 102
Haigh, W. B., & Co, Ltd, Oldham - 58
1052 Halford, Harry S., London - - 164
580 Hall, J. & E., Ltd, London - 113, 27s
Hall, J. B., Ontario - - . . j8i
Hall Mines, Ltd .... ,82
434 Hall, Robert, & Sons, Bury, Ltd,
Bury, Lancas. - - - - on
494 Hall, J. P., & Co, Oldham - - 104
301 Hamilton, Arch., Glasgow - - 87
563 Hamilton, Claud, Ltd, Glasgow - 111
Hamilton, Caldwell & Sons, Glasgow 252
Hamilton, J. S. ,& Co, Ontario - - 182
1007 Hamiton, Mrs., Donegal - - . 171
1007 Hamilton & Co, Portrush 169, 170, 173, 174
Hamilton Oak Tanning Co, Ltd - 184
320 Hampton & Sons, Ltd, London - 88
1007 Hanley, John, Nenagh Co, Tipperary 174
Hannan & Buchanan, Glasgow - - 167
Harburg India Rubber Co, London - 107
101 Hardtmuth, L. & C., London - - 70
Harris, Geo. ,& Son, Ontario - - 181
516 Harris Pt. Feed Water Filter, Ltd,
239 Harrison Pt. Knitting Machine Co,
Ltd, Manchester - - - - 81
Harrison, John, & Co, Ontario - - 185
867 Harvie, Wm., & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 138
376 Hastie, John, & Co, Ltd, Greenock
94, 256
443 Hattersley,Geo.,&Sons,Ltd,Keighley 100
955 Hawkes & Son, London - - . I47
Hawkesbury LumberCo. Ltd, Ontario 185
Hay, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - 150, ici
285 Heal & Son, London ... 86
Heard, John, & Co, Ontario - - 186
1307 Heaton, S., & Sons, Athlone - - 173
Hedderwick, James, & Sons, Glasgow 192D
1007 Heekin, Andrew, Carrick. Co. Donegal 174
141 Heinz, H. J., & Co., London - *73
Helliwell & Co, Ltd, Glasgow - - 333
Henderson Bros., Ltd, Glasgow . 329
221 Henderson, H., & Sons, Dundee 80, 252
810 Henderson, Jas., & Co, Glasgow 119, 120
851 Henderson, D. & W., & Co, Ltd,
Glasgow .... 239
388 Henderson, Thos., Liverpool - - 95
88 Hendry & Pattison, Ltd, London - 69
400 Hendry, Janies, Bridgeton, Glasgow
58, 93, 96, 251
516 Herbert, Alfred, Ltd, Coventry- - 107
Henri Menier, France - . . jgr
124 Herbert, George, Ltd, Glasgow - 72
438 Hetherington, John, & Sons, Ltd,
Manchester 99
581 Hick, Hargreaves & Co. Ltd, Bolton in
1007 Hicks, Bullick & Co, Belfast - - 169
935 Hilliard, W. B., & Sons, Glasgow - 145
193 Hinshelwood, Thos., & Co, Glasgow 77
Holden & Brooke, Manchester - . 58
226 Hollins, Wm., & Co, Ltd, Bridgeton,
1007 Holland, Michael, Cork - - . 170
938 Holling, C., & Spangenberg, Leitz - 14;
1007 Hogg. Alex., Belfast - - . .
472 Holman Bros., Cranborne, Cornwall 102
811 Holmes, W in , Glasgow - - - 119
Holophone. Ltd, London - - - 54
439 Holroyd, John, & Co, Ltd, Milnrow,
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