International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
General Index of Exhibitors and Advertisers. 409 Stand No. Page Home & Colonial Acetylene Gas Syn. Ltd, Glasgow - - 56, 340 1113 Hood, Miss, Glasgow - - . 156 269 Hope, Henry, & Sons, Ltd, Birmingham and Glasgow - - - - 84 966 Horton, Wm., Glasgow - . 6, 153 3 Houghton. W. D., Warrington - 63 313 Howard & Sons, Ltd, London - - 88 92 Hozier Engineering Co, Glasgow - 69 223 Hubert, Charles, London 80 936 Hudson, J., & Co, Birmingham - 145 455 Hulse & Co, Ltd, Manchester - - 101 91 Hurll, Peter & Mark, Glasgow 69 393 Hunt & Mitton, Birmingham 95 617 Huntman, B., Sheffield (Steel Ingots, etc.), see page .... n6 603 Hutchinson, Hollingworth & Co.. Ltd., Manchester - - - - 115 Imperial Accident, Live Stock and General Insurance Co, Ltd - - 214 1035 Ince Forge Co, Ltd, Wigan - - 162 502 Indestructible Rolled Steel Axle Box, Ltd, London .... 105 532, 1043 Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Co, London - 108, 163 830 Inglis, A. & J., Anderston, Glasgow 134 1007 Inglis, J. Johnston, Donnybrook - 170 963 Ingram, Chas., Glasgow - - 152, 339 Innes, James, Manitoba - - - 181 154 International Plasmon, Ltd, London 74, 366 441, 1050 International Pneumatic Tool Co, Ltd, London - - 100, 164, 283 1007 Irish Agric. Organisation Socy., Dublin 172 1117 Irish Household Linen Co, Ballymena 156 1007 Irish Lace Depot, Ltd, Dublin - - 170 1007 Irish Industries’ Association,Dublin 171,174 1007 Irish Pavilion ... - 161, 169 183 Isdale & MacCallum, Paisley - 76 1007 Ismay, Imrie, & Co, Liverpool - 171 Ives, H. R. & Co, Ontario - - 183 Jackson, C. Mackenzie, Glasgow - 38 Jackson, John Francis, Ontario - 180 Jack, T. C. & E. C., Edinburgh - 311 254 Jaegers, Dr, London 83 Jamaican Cigar & Tobacco Syndicate, London - - <• - 72 James, Bros., Ontario - - - 185 30 Jamieson, Professor 65 'India”—Jarrett Bros, London - - 175 303 Jebb, Alex., & Sons, Glasgow - - 87 283 Johnsen & Jorgensen, London - - 85 322 Johnson, Wa’.ter, & Co, London - 88 147 Johnstone, Baircl & Co, Glasgow - 74 108 Johnston, W. & A. K., Edinburgh - 70 Joly de Lobiniere, Sir Henry, Quebec 185 866 Jones, E. F. & Co., Birmingham - 138 436 Jones & Lamson Machine Co, Vermont, U.S.A. 99 125 Jones, Orlando & Co, Ltd, London - 72 “ Austria”—Karlsbad Glass Works, Karls- bad, Austria ----- 194 157 Keen, Robinson & Co, Ltd, London 74 Keith, Jas., Hamilton - - - 374 597 Keith, J.,& Blackman Co,Ltd,Lond. 54,114 820 Kelly, J. H., Glasgow - - 120, 216 Kelly, J. L., Rothesay - - - 332 927 Kelvin & James White, Ltd, Glasgow 56, 144 44U Kendall & Gent Manchester - - 99 Ker & Harcourt, Ontario - - - 185 Kesson, A., Glasgow ... 247 Stand No. Page Keystone Graphite Co, Quebec - 183 1007 Killarney Furniture Industries, - - 170 544 Kincaid, John G. & Co, Greenock 109, 242 276 King, Win., Glasgow 85 King, J. D., & Co, Ltd, Ontario - 184 281 Kenning, Geo., & Son, Glasgow - 85 Kinnaird & Ferguson, Glasgow - 264 606 Kirchner & Co, London - - 115, 274 Kirsop, John, & Son, Glasgow - 63, 213 Kitson Lighting & Heating Syndicate, Ltd, London - ... ^ 145 Klaus, J., London (Société Anonyme des Fabriquesde Chocolat et Confiserie) 180 Kolawitch Co, Ltd, Nottingham 1007 Knox, Mrs., Ballinrobe, Ireland Knox, Alex. & Sons, Glasgow - 1007 Kerry Knitting Co, Tralee 253 Kufner & Berstecher, Glasgow 965 Kynock, Ltd, Birmingham 73 76 171 56 174 83 152 Lachute Shuttle Co., Lachute, Quebec 982 Lafayette, Glasgow - 565 Lahmeyer Electrical Co, Ltd; Salmony, H. M., & Co, Ltd, London - 167 Laidlaw, Mackill & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 509 Laing, Sir J., & Sons, Ltd, Sunderland 10i>7 Laird, Alex., & Co, Glasgow Lake of the Woods Milling Co, Ltd, Manitoba......................... Lamontagne & Cie, Quebec Lake Megantic Pulp Co, Ltd, Quebec Lake Superior Power Co, Ontario 581 The Lancashire Dynamo & Motor Co, Ltd, Manchester - 505 Lanarkshire Steel Co, Ltd, Fleming- ton, Motherwell 5, 1007 Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co, 9G4 Lancaster, Chas., London 543 Lancaster & Tonge, Ltd, M’ehester 57, 435 Lang, John, & Sons, Johnstone 984 Langfier, Ltd, Glasgow - 1007 Larne& Stranraer Jt. St. Pkt. Co, Bifast 149 Lauder, Arch., Glasgow - Laurentide Pulp Co, Ltd, Quebec Lawrie, R. G., Glasgow - Lawton & Parker, Manchester - 467 Leadbeater & Scott. Sheffield- - 102, Leeds Mercury, Leeds 36 Leeds Phosphate Co - Lees, Robert, Galashiels - Leighton, Wm., Glasgow - Leitch, Archd. A., Glasgow 542 Leith, Cardie & Co, Glasgow - 58, 103 Leng, John, & Co, Dundee 1007 Letterfrack Basket Industry 177, 1042 Lever Bros., Ld, Port Sunlight 76, 1004 Lewis & Co, Ltd, London - .54, 232 Liddell, Wm., & Co, Belfast - Linde British Ref. Co., Montreal Lindsay, Burnet & Co, Govan, Glasgow J 37 Lipton, Ltd, London 844 Lobnitz & Co, Ltd. Renfrew 185 Locke, Blackett & Co, Ltd, Newcastle- . on-Tyne................................. G15 Locomotive Publishing Co, Ltd.Lond. 4Z8 Lockwood & Carlisle, Ltd, Sheffield 185 *54 in 75 106 172 181 184 186 182 113 «’S 172 152 109 99 154 172 74 186 362 66 263 40 65 368 55 347 109 70 163 161 81 181 274 73 136 76 116 103, 253 1039 Loewe, Ludwig, & Co, Ltd, London 116, 117, 163, 290 841 London & Glasgow Engineering & Iron Shipbuilding Co, Glasgow - 135 London ami Liverpool Piano Co, Glasgow...............................87 1007 London and N.-W. Rly. Co, London 114