International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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Stand No.
General Index of Exhibitors and Advertisers.
M'Gillivray & Stewart, Glasgow
476 M'Glashan, John, & Co, Glasgow
858 M'Gregor, D., & Co, Glasgow -
869 M‘Innes, T. S., & Co., Glasgow
Mackenzie, Dr., (Smelling Salts)
277 Mackenzie, A. & C., Glasgow -
929 Mackenzie & Co, Ltd, Glasgow
593 M'Kie& Baxter, Govan
837 Mackie & Thomson, Glasgow -
1007 M‘Keown, R. H., Leenane
M'Kinlay, Andrew M., Rothesay
M‘Knight, Andrew, Glasgow -
1104 M'Lachlan & Brown, Stirling -
M‘Laren, D. K., & Co, Quebec
M Laughlin Carriage Co, Ontario
M'Laren, A. F., Ontario -
- 137
- 139
- 367
85. 348
144. 358
Stand No. Page:
1110 Old Bleach Linen Co, Ltd, Ireland - 155
323 Oliver Typewriter Co, Ltd, London 89, 356
Olivetti, Camelio, Ivrea 57
Ontario Wind Engine & Pump Co, - 186-
Ontario Beekeepers’ Assoc., Ontario - 181
Orme, Martin, Glasgow - - - 331
Orr, John, & Sons, Glasgow - - 53.
205 Osler, T. & C., Birmingham and
London - .... 78
534 Outram, Geo., & Co, Glasgow - - 108
Orenstein & Koppel, London - - 59
815 Owen, Jos., & Sons, Ltd, Liverpool - 120
Owen Sound Portland Cement Co,
894 M'Laurin, Robert, Glasgow - - 141
962 Macleay, W. & A., & Son, Inverness 152
98 Maclehose, Jas., & Sons, Glasgow - 70
262 MacLellan, G., & Co, Glasgow 58, 83, 273
18, 1045 MacLellan, P. & W., Glasgow
64, 163, 227
491 M‘Neil, Chas., Glasgow - - 104, 229
1007 M'Nelis, Neil, Ardara, Co. Donegal 174
278 M'Neill, F., & Co, London 85
808 MacNaughton, J., & Rankin, Glasgow 119
111 MacNiven & Cameron, Edinburgh 46, 71
M'Onie, A. & P. W., Govan - - 288
Macqueen, John, Glasgow - - 324
M'Vitie & Price, Edinburgh {Back of Cover}
Napier & Miller, Ltd, Yoker - - 237
1007 Nash, Mrs., Beaufort, Co. Kerry - 169
94 National Bible Society of Scotland,
Glasgow - - - , - - 69
318 National Cash Register Co, Ltd,
422 National Gas Engine Co, Ltd, Ashton-
under-Lyne ----- 98
1007 National Industries of Ireland Cor-
poration, Ltd, London - - 173
40 Natural Fertilizer Co, Glasgow - 66
526, 614 Neilson, Reid & Co, Glasgow
91, 108, 116
216 Neilson, Shaw & MacGregor, Glasgow 79
971 Nelrnes, Henry, & Co, Glasgow - 153
Nesbitt, Misses J. &M., Glasgow - 358
973 Nettleship & Co, Alnwick - - 153
5 Newall, R. S., & Son, Glasgow 63, 246
New Callander and Trossachs Hydro. 8
445 Newsuni, Geo., & Co, Leeds - - 100
533, 1C57 New Taite Howard Pneumatic
Tool Co, Ltd, London - - 108, 164
493 Newton & Nicholson, South Shields
58, 104, 250
9 Nickel Co, Kirkintilloch - - 63, 247
960 Nobel’s Explosives Co, Ltd, Glasgow
i52. 338
No. American Bent Chair Co, Ontario 185
Northern Steel and Hardware Co,
Ltd, Glasgow - . - . 260
North British Railway Co, Edinburgh 381
972 Norval & Sons, Glasgow - - 153, 346
1047 Notkin Syndicate, Ltd, Edinburgh - 163
Nova Scotia Steel Co, Nova Scotia - 183
NovaScotia Wood Pul pand PaperCo 186
Noxon Co, Ltd. Ontario - - - 185
Nurich Lamp Co, Ltd, London - 56
"India"- Oakes & Co, Ltd, London - 175
140 Ogdens, Ltd, Liverpool 73
816 Ogilvie, A., & Co, Glasgow - 120, 371
198 Ogston & Tennant, Ltd, Aberdeen
and Glasgow 78
847 Pacific Steam Navigation Co, Glasgow 136
Paisley, Peter, Glasgow - 37, 138, 149
Palace Restaurant - - - -
845 Palmer’s Shipbuilding and Iron Co,
Ltd, Jarrow-on Tyne - . - 136
Parker, John.........................jgj
195 Patent Borax Co, Ltd, Birmingham 77, 32 s
1053 Patent Paraffin Gas Lighting Co, Ltd,
Glasgow .... *5.
233 Patent Woollen Cloth Co, Leeds - 81
Paquet & Godbout, Quebec - - 180
Paquette, Joseph, Quebec - - - 186
Paton, John, Sons & Co, Alloa - - 19
940 Paterson, Sons & Co, Glasgow - 9, 145
Paterson, Oscar & Thompson, Glasgow 53
“India"—Payne, Geo., & Co, Ltd - - 175
449 Payne & Sons, Otley - - - 100, 384
473 Pease, J. F., & Co, Darlington - - 103
473 Pease’s Tubular Construction Syndi-
cate, Ltd, Darlington - - - 103
41 Peat Moss Litter Co, Ltd, London - 66-
457 Peebles, D. Bruce, & Co, Edinburgh 56, 101
Peloquin, C. N., Ontario - - - 181
Penman & Co, Glasgow - - 57, 271
103 People s Friend, Dundee - ® - 70
Pennycock Patent Glazing Co, Ltd,
Perrett, John, Quebec - - - 186
Peterboro’ Canoe Co, Ontario - - 184
1032 Peters, G. D., & Co, London - 16, 162
229, 1109 Pettigrew & Stephens, Glasgow
4, 81, 155, 415.
35 Permanent Nitrate Committee, London 65
Philp, Mrs A. D., London - 57, 140
G16 Philips, F., Glasgow - - - . n(j
172 Pickering, Jos , & Sons, Ltd, Sheffield 75
586 Pickerings, Ltd. Stockton-on-Tees 58, 113
522 Pickering, R. Y., & Co, Wishaw - ’ 107
214 Pilkington's Tile and Pottery Co,
Ltd, Manchester - -. - -79»
1101 Pintner, W. J., Edinburgh - - 155
1031 Pintoch's Patent Lighting Co, Ltd,
1022 Pollock, Alex., Tarbolton, Ayrshire - 162
424 Pollock, Whyte & Waddell, Johnstone 98
592 Pooley, Henry, & Son, Ltd, Glasgow
58, 60, 114
469 Portable Forge Co, Glasgow - - 102
803 Preston Davies Tyre & Valve Co, Ltd,
Glasgow ..... Ixg
1007 Power, Mrs. G. B., Thomastown • 170
1007 Power, Sir John, & Son, Dublin - 172
Portland (B.C.) Cement Co, Van-
couver, B.C. - - - - 180
Poth, Hill & Co, London - - - 5S
Preston Furniture Co, Ontario - - 183.
1007 Presentation Convent, Killarney - 170
189 Price’s Patent Candle Co, Ltd, London 77
Prince’s Restaurant - - .