International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue
År: 1901
Forlag: Chas. P. Watson
Sted: glasgow
Sider: 431
UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow
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General Index of Exhibitors and Advertisers.
Stand No. Page
1007 Prior, R. H., Castlecoiner, Ireland - 172
142 Protene Co. Ltd, London - - 73, 365
1007 Providence Woollen Mills, Foxford - 174
557 Pulsometer Engineering Co, Ltd, Lond. in
166 Pumpheiston Oil Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 75
148 Quaker Oats, Ltd, London - - 74
Quebec Dairyman's Assoc. Manitoba 181
Quebec and Lake St. John Ry. Co - 180
Queenstown Cement Works, Ontario 183
Queensland, Australia - - 187, 314
1007 Quinn, Patrick, Mount Charles - 173
928 Rae Bros , Glasgow . - - - 144
576 Railton & Campbell, Liverpool 112, 254
Rankine, Jas., & Son, Glasgow - - 331
Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies, Ltd,Ipswich 55
Rattray, David, Glasgow 8
417 Reavell & Co, Ltd, Ipswich 98
Read, Joseph, & Co, Stonehaven, B.C. 183
3025 Red Cross Society, London - - 162
Redpath, Brown & Co, Ltd, Glasgow 227
1007 Reeves, Miss Douglas, Co. Cork - 171
Reid, Colin, Jr., & Bros., Ontario - 185
391 Reid, J. Miller, Glasgow 95
862 Reid, John, & Co., Ltd, Glasgow - 138
446 Reid, John, & Son, Glasgow - - 100
387 Reid, M‘Farlane & Co, Ltd, Glas-
gow 58, 95, 270
251 Reid & Todd. Glasgow - - 29, 82
Reid, Matthew, & Co, Kilmarnock - 261
Reid, Ben., & Co, Aberdeen - - 317
Reid, A., & Co. Glasgow - - - 356
Reid, Andrew, & Co, Ltd, Newcastle-
on-Tyne ----- 330
376 Reliance Patent Feed Water Regu-
lator Co - - - - 94, 248
325 Remington Wabash Co, Ltd, Glas-
gow .........................89, 357
Renfrew, Robt. S., Glasgow - - 340
578 Richardsons, Westgarth & Sons, Ltd,
598 Richards, George, & Co, Ltd, Man-
chester - - - - - - 114
897 Richmond & Co, Ltd, Warrington - 141
Riddell, Wm., & Co, Glasgow - - 349
Riley, Alex., Glasgow 24
178 Riley, John, & Sons, Accrington - 76
275 Ritchie, Francis, & Sons, Ltd, Belfast 85
601 Ritchie, Jas., Partick, Glasgow - - 115
812 Robertson, John, Glasgow - 119, 354, 355
895 Robertson, Thos., & Co, Glasgow - 141
43 Robertson, Alex., Oban 66
961 Robertson, Wm., Glasgow - - iw
Robey & Co, Ltd, Lincoln - 57, 278
1007 Roberts, Miss Belcruit, Co. Donegal 174
192 Robin & Houston, Ltd, Glasgow - 77
Robin, M., & Son, Glasgow - - 361
860 Rodger, A., & Co, Port-Glasgow ■ 138
Rogers, The Chas., Sons & Co, Ltd,
122 Roger, James H., Glasgow - 72
938 Ronne & Co, Manchester - - 145, 352
316 Rome, Geo., & Co, Glasgow - - 88
986 Romney, Geo., Glasgow - - - 154
863 Roper’s Inventions for Life Saving
at Sea, Ltd, London - - - 138
462 Rosling, Appleby & Fynn,Ltd,Bradford 102
518 Ross & Duncan, Glasgow - - 107, 218
566, 1072 Ross, R. G., & Son, Glasgow
58, 66, in, 230
Rosamond Woollen Co, Ontario - 184
224 Rowan & Co, Glasgow - - 80, 378
Stand No. Page
Rowat, Alex., & Co, Glasgow - - 349
144 Rowat & Co, Govan 73
Rowley, E. J., Ontario - - - 180
Royal Bungalow Refreshment Rooms 168
237 Royal Glasgow Asylum for the Blind,
861 Royal National Lifeboat Institution,
Glasgow - - - - 138
Royal Insurance Co., Glasgow - - 2
Royal Baths, Harrogate - - - 252
1007 Royal Irish School of Art Needlework, 170
553 Royles, Ltd, Manchester - - 58, 110
372 Rudd, J. A., Glasgow - - 58, 93
Russell, John, Richmond 55
1133 Russian Peasant Industries - - 138
252 Russ, F. H., & Co, Glasgow - - 82
Ruxton, Wm., Aberdeen - - - 349
1074 Ruston, Proctor & Co, Ltd, Lincoln 58, 166
487 Russell, Jos. W., & Co, Glasgow - 104
1008,1009,1010,1011 Russian Pavilions r6i, 192F
565 Salmony, H. M., & Co, Ltd, London in
Sampson, R. W., Quebec - - - 184
Samson, W. & T., Kilmarnock - 55
442 Samuelson & Co, Ltd, Banbury - 100, 227
170 Sandeman Bros, Ruchill, Glasgow - 75
163 Sankey Sugar Company, Earlstown,
Sault Ste. Marie Pulp & Paper Com-
pany, Ontario - - - - 186
484 Saville, J. J., & Co, Sheffield - ■ 104
486 Schaffer, P. P., & Budenberg, Glas-
gow ..........................58, 104, 257
1116 Schoch, H., & Cie, Switzerland- - 156
1114 Schoor, Mrs Muir & Co, Lerwick, 156
Shetland .....
120 Schweppes, Ltd, Glasgow - - - 72
948 Scotland, R. G., Glasgow - - - 146
Scott, Ernest, Mountain & Co, Ltd,
Newcastle-on-Tyne - - - 57, 300
Scott, Jas. & John G., Ltd, Glasgow- 334
Scott Bros, Manchester - - - 3S3
Scott, A. & R., Glasgow - - - 147
Scott, D., Liverpool - - - - 182
Scott, R., & Sons, Ontario - - 184
Scott-Snell Self-intensifying Gas Lamp
Co, Ltd, London 56
Scottish Boiler Insurance & Engine
Inspection Company, Ltd, Glasgow 52
255, 1112 Scottish Co-operative Wholesale
Society, Ltd, Glasgow - 83, 156, 369
392 Scottish Aluminium, Ltd, Greenock - 95
Scottish Asbestos Co, Ltd, Glasgow - 339
1100 Scottish Home Industries Association,
Ltd, London - - . . 155
Scottish Imperial Insur. Co, Glasgow - 34
1036 Seamless Steel Boat Coompany, Ltd,
Wakefield ----- 216
552 Seebohm & Dieckstahl, Ltd, Sheffield no
453, 1041 Selig, Sonnenthal & Co, London
ioi, 163
Self-Indicating Target Co, Glasgow - 167
80 Septic Tank Syndicate, Ltd, Exeter - 68
1024 Shand, Mason & Co, London - 53, 162
81 Shanks & Co, Ltd, Barrhead - 54, 68
559 Shanks, Alex., & Son, Ltd, Arbroath 55,111
458 Shanks, Thos., & Co, Johnstone ioi, 284
292 Shannon, Ltd, London - - 54, 86
454, 525 Sharp, Stewart & Co, Ltd,
Glasgow .... ioi, 107
“India”—Sharwood, J. A., & Co, Ltd,
London ..... 175
10 7 Shaw, Miss Alice, Terenure, Co. Dublin ryo
Shaw, John, Glasgow - - - 378
1007 Sheehan, C. J., & Sons, Dungarvan - 173