International exhibition Glasgow 1901
Official catalogue

År: 1901

Forlag: Chas. P. Watson

Sted: glasgow

Sider: 431

UDK: 061.4(100) glasgow

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Side af 431 Forrige Næste
50 Regulations for Exhibitors. the name of the Exhibitor and the country from whenee they come, as well as the allotment number of the space 15 .—No ease, counter, platform, screen, or partition must (without special per- mission) exceed the following dimensions Show Cases and Partitions, 8 feet above the floor. Counters, 2 feet 6 inches above the floor. Platforms, 1 foot above the floor. Note.—In the Machinery Section partitions must not exceed the height of the handrails. 16 .—Exhibitors may erect railings around their stands, and provide canopies, subject to the approval of the General Manager; thesa railings and canopies must be within the area of the space allotted. In the ease of machinery in motion, it is impera- tive that it be sufficiently railed. Such railings must be of a uniform design, details of which will be supplied on allotment of space. 17 .—The flooring must not be altered, removed, or strengthened, except by sanction of the General Manager, and at the expense of the Exhibitor. 18 .—Nothing must be erected, placed, or displayed by Exhibitors in such a manner as to obstruct the light, project beyond the space allotted, impede the view along the open spaces, or occasion injury or inconvenience to other Exhibitors. 19 .—In order to insure uniformity of decoration, no Exhibitor will be allowed to put up flags, banners, or other kind of decoration without the permission of the General Manager. For covering counters, screens, or partitions, a material will be selected, which may be bought by Exhibitors at the building. 20 .—Signs or name-boards, which require to be new and clean, and of a reasonable size, must be approved by, and be placed to the satisfaction of, the General Manager, and must in no case interfere with the lighting. They must be black, with gold letters. Special instructions regarding signs in the Machinery Section will be issued with the allotment letters. 21 —All hand-bills, printed matter, etc., connected with exhibits, placed in or upon stands or eases, or intended for gratuitous distribution, must first receive the approval and authority of the Exhibits and Space Committee, which permission may be withdrawn at any time. 22 — Cases must be unpacked immediately on arrival, and the empty cases removed by the Exhibitors or their agents. The Executive Council cannot accept any responsi- bility with reference to empty cases, which must be at once removed from the buildings at the expense of the Exhibitors. The Executive Council reserve to themselves the right of doing whatever may be considered necessary, at the expense of the Exhibitors, unless this rule is strictly complied with. The Executive Council will endeavour to arrange with Contractors to undertake the storage of cases at a fixed tariff, particulars of which will be intimated to Exhibitors. 23 .—Exhibitors will require to provide all necessary attendance, and to keep their •stands and exhibits properly cleaned and in good order during the whole period of the Exhibition. All stands must have the covers removed by 10 a.m., and remain open till 9 p. m. The Executive Council reserve the right to impose a penalty for a breach of this Regulation, and to order the removal of any attendant whose behaviour they ■consider unseemly. 24 .—No Exhibitor will be allowed to transfer any portion of the spaco allotted to him, or to allow any other than his own duly admitted exhibits to bo placed thereon, except by permission of the Executive Council. 25 .—All goods must be exhibited in the name of the individual or firm signing the Application Form. A Coast House Furnished in our L>irte. CAULFIELD 100'T21/ Including A Complete Tea Set (40 Pieces). A Complete Toilet or Bedroom Set. A Dinner Set (for/ Six Persons). These alone are worth the Guinea. Packod Free & co., 21 Jamaica Street, GLASGOW, and BRANCHES. Postal Orders payable 100 T 21/ In addition we give. A Set of 3 Jugs. A Useful Teapot. 4 Pie Dishes' (Assorted Sizes). 4 Kiiciien’ Bowls. I Dozen Egg Cups, AND I Dozen Tumblers. o-F Charge. Ask for NEW COAST HAMPER.