The Panama Pacific International Exposition 1915
År: 1915
Sider: 38
UDK: 6064 San Fran
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show-window, special sales-day; in a word, the best service
and the most attractive publicity are demands the people
make upon all trade.
A short synopsis of the rules and regulations of the Ex-
hibits Division will enable manufacturers to determine the
specific benefits to be derived from the general plan.
There will be no charge for exhibit space, the Exposition
reserving to itself the right of acceptance and limitation,
exercising the right only to the securing of the best general
All applications for space must be on specially prepared
blanks furnished by the Exposition; must be accompanied
by a floor plan showing how the space is to be used; also a
sketch design or drawing of the completed exhibit.
Exhibits from the United States will be located in indus-
trial groups corresponding to the department classification.
Foreign exhibits will be displayed in groups according to
their respective nationalities.
The system of awards will be competitive, merit being
determined by Group, Department and Superior (Interna-
tional) Juries, and manifested by the issuance of diplomas
divided into six classes; a grand prize, a medal of honor, a
gold medal, a silver medal, a bronze medal, and an honor-
able mention (without medal).
The Traffic and Terminals Department of the Exposi-
tion will secure the most favorable freight rates possible
from the transportation lines, remedy delays, supply infor-
mation and render practical assistance to exhibitors. Rail-
road tracks direct to and into, and docking facilities upon,
the grounds are provided.
General illumination will be free. Power and special
light for individual exhibits will be furnished at a very low
cost. Exhibit space will be ready for occupancy July, 1914,
eight months before the date of opening.
The palaces devoted to Manufactures and Varied Indus-
tries are among the most imposing and ornate structures
upon the Exposition grounds, and have a favorable and im-
portant location. Near the main entrance, bordering upon
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