The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission

År: 1893

Sider: 163

UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago

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HISTORICAL NOTES 149 J. C. Jacobsen. love not only of subject to the influence of H. C. Ørsted, and not in vain. Jacobsen attributed his commercial success to the fact that he had been so fortunate as to enjoy the teaching of H. C. Ørsted, and on the day when, mostly through his libe- rality, a monument for H. C. Ørsted was unveiled at Copenhagen, the 25th September 1876, he founded »for the advancement of science and to the ho- nor of Denmark« a richly endowed foundation called the Carlsberg-Fond under the management of the Royal Danish Society of Science and Letters. As another proof of J. C. Jacobsen’s science but of art as well, we shall still mention the museum founded by him (1878) at the castle of Frederiksborg. It is to become a home for inspiring and very comprehen- sive representations of Danish historic memorials from the time of the introduction of Christianity into Denmark till modern times. Thank God! there is a great deal to be remembered. Though of small size Denmark has performed achievements and produced men known all over the world. During the reign of Canute the Great (1018—1035) Den- mark ruled over England; during the reign of Valdemar the Conqueror (1202 —1241), who christianized the Wends, the Baltic was as a Danish inland sea; and Queen Margaret (1387—1412) also sat upon the throne of Norway and Sweden. After that time, however, the dominion of Denmark has van- ished. But our historians, with Saxo Grammaticus leading the way, have kept the memory of the deeds of the past, and in the domain of Poetry, Religion, Science and Letters new