The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission
År: 1893
Sider: 163
UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago
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names have been added: Holberg and Øhlenschlæger, Grundt-
vig and Kierkegaard, Rask and Madvig, to say nothing of
the fact that Denmark has, in these latter days, spun a net
of wires carrying its influence to the remotest parts of the
world through the Great Northern Telegraph Company whose
founder is the president of the Merchants’ Corporation of
Copenhagen, Mr. C. F. Tietgen. It is Mr. Tietgen, too, who
has mainly contributed to give Denmark what it possesses of
the factory system.
Among the men that may be named here we shall dwell
upon a few belonging to the liberal arts.
* *
Who does not know Thorvaldsen? Who does not know
the Thorvaldsen Museum of Copenhagen, the characteristi-
cally fine building, filled with statue by the side of statue,
bust of bust, everything the work of one man, of the sculptor
who, from the moment he, in Rome 1803, had shaped his
Jason till his death 1844 was the most celebrated artist of
the world. It was the ancient art that the hand of Bertel-
Thorvaldsen revived in classic beauty and serenity. As
against the frivolity of last century his works stood in
passionless beauty, entirely chaste; and their high ideality
conquered the world. It is not a question of modern realism
obliged to give both muscles and skin to the beautiful form;
and the Olympic figures of Thorvaldsen stand opposed to
the development of present time, but they make a captivating
impression, being the results of a marvellous freshness and
richness of production representing with the same genius the
Greek world of Gods and a number of historic characters as