The World's Columbian Exposition 1893. Chicago, U.S.A. 1893
Official Catalogue With Illustrations issued by the Royal Danish Commission
År: 1893
Sider: 163
UDK: 061.4(100) Chicago
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Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
skud (Elf-shot) and Korsfarerne (The Crusaders). Musical life
in Denmark has been greatly developed by Gade; but for-
eign countries too have had the benefit of his talent, l or
several years he was the celebrated conductor of the famous
Gewandhaus concerts of Leipzig. But in
1848, at the outbreak of the first struggle
between Denmark and the mighty Ger-
many, he returned to his country; and
since then he devoted all his energy
to it, a fact which has not prevented his
works from spreading all over the world.
From olden time music has had a home
in Denmark. The lurs of the bronze age,
N. V. Gade.
mentioned above, show this of yore, and N. V. Gade for
our days. What is a supposition only that the coasts of
America have been reached by the sounds of the lurs from
the expedition of Leif the Fortunate may be said as a cer-
tainty of the sounds of the music poems of Gade. He is one
of the little Denmark’s able sons who have placed the Danish
name, the name of their beloved country, on the lips of all.