The Madsen Machine Gun
År: 1918
Sider: 32
UDK: 623
This copy reprinted in Copenhagen by Jensen & Rønager
Reprinted in 1920
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The Madsen
stion put by Lord Heneage, who suggested
that steps should be taken to see that
the gun does not get into the hands of
the enemy, owing to the long time taken
for consideration of the matter by the
War Office and the Ministry of Munitions.
I think some answer should be given.
The Earl of CRAWFORD: There has
been no delay at the Ministry of Muni-
tions, which ordered these guns three
years ago. In answer to Lord Heneage, I
have no doubt that the Army authorities
will take due note of his point. Personally,
of course, it is impossible for me to say
what is done in such a matter, but I
have not a doubt they will take note of
the word of caution.
Lord HENEAGE: My Lords, the point
is that there is a danger of the Germans
securing the newest type of this gun.
■ They have already managed to get the
original type, and it is stated on pretty
good authority that they are manoeuvring
to get the newest pattern of the gun.
What steps are the War Office going to
take, or can they take—I want to put it
fairly—to prevent the danger of the Ger-
mans acquiring the gun instead of us?
The Earl of CRAWFORD: It is quite
irregular for me to address your Lord-
ships again, but I think it must be fairly
obvious, even were I in a position to
answer that question, that it would be
perfectly impossible to make a public
statement on the subject.
Lord BERESFORD: I have to thank my
noble friend Lord Crawford for his cour-
tesy. I am quite satisfied with what he
said. But I would like to add this. It is
very material for these trials that a re-
presentative of the Madsen firm should
be with the gun. Can the noble Earl
assure me of that?
The Earl of CRAWFORD: Certainly.
Lord BERESFORD: I ask leave to with-
draw my Motion.
Motion, by leave, withdrawn.
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