The Diseases Of Electrical Machinery

Forfatter: Ernst Schulz

År: 1904

Forlag: E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 84

UDK: 621.311

Edited with a preface, by Silvanus P. Thompson

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82 THE DIS EAS ES OF measures the amperes in the armature circuit. It is advisable to run the machine at least two hours befbre taking the final amperemeter reading ; because as the machine warms up a little, the copper resistances are increased, while the bearing friction diminishes slightly. The armature current, multiplied by the voltage, gives the value of the magnet and friction losses very accu- rately. Example i. Continuous-current shunt dynamo, 40 kilowatts, 600 revolutions per minute, 110 volts. Armature resistance (measured) = 0'0055 ohms. With full load (364 amperes) at 110 volts, and 60 revolutions per minute, the machine had a shunt current of 6 am- peres. The machine was connected as a motor, and an accurate amperemeter was connected in the armature circuit; the reading on this, after running several hours, was 15 amperes. Loss in the armaturej & 6 X 0’0055= 725 watts, winding . j o o ‘t uj / j Loss in the magnet) 6 =66owatts. winding . .) No-load loss . . =15x110 =1650 watts. Total losses 3035 watts. Efficiency of the machine : 40.000 40,000 ~ 0/ ----------——— = —------------------= o 93, i.e. 93 /o- 40,000 + 725 + 660 + 1650 43,035