The Diseases Of Electrical Machinery

Forfatter: Ernst Schulz

År: 1904

Forlag: E. & F. N. SPON, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 84

UDK: 621.311

Edited with a preface, by Silvanus P. Thompson

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ELECTRIC AL MACHINERY. 83 Example 2. Continuous-current shunt motor, 50 horse-power, 110 volts, the same machine as was tested above as dynamo. The values of the resistances are the same, and also the current at full load. The magnet current is, however, only 4 amperes. The no-load current is still 15 amperes. We have the following losse»:— Armature winding . . 725 watts. Magnet winding . . 440 watts. No-load . . . .1650 watts. so that the efficiency at 50 horse-power is ___________50 X 746___________ (50 X 746) + 725 + 1440 + 1650 = O‘9i, i.e. 91 %• Example 3. Three-phase induction motor with short-circuited rotor for 220 volts, 2 horse-power, 50 periods per se- cond, 1500 revolutions per minute. By measurement the current was found at no-load, and at full-load, and also the electrical resistance of one stator phase, i.e. of one third of the stator windings. The no-load current was 2 • 22 amperes, the power taken at no-load was 59 watts per phase ; therefore, for all three-phases 177 watts. With 5 • 5 amperes full- load current per phase, the power consumption was 600 watts per phase, i.e. 1800 watts altogether. The electric resistance of one stator phase was 0*73 ohms. There occur, therefore, the following losses :—