History of Sanitation

Forfatter: J. J. Cosgrove

År: 1910

Forlag: Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co

Sted: Pittsburgh U.S.A

Sider: 124

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_____ _______ ___________________ ___ _________ _____ Table of Contents Chapter I Sanitation of Primitive Man—Early Wells—Rebekah at the Page Well—Joseph’s Well—Well at the Rancho Chack . . 1 Chapter II Cisterns—Early Mention of Cisterns—Cisterns of Carthage— Early Methods of Raising Water—Water Carriers—Pool of Siloam—Pool of Solomon—Aqueducts—Carthagenian Aque- duct—Aqueducts of Rome—Aqueduct of Segovia, Spain— Trophies of Marius ______________________________....... 7 Chapter III Early Sewage Disposal—Removal of Offensive Materials from Temples of Jerusalem—Sewage Systems of a Pre-Babylonian City—Sewers of Rome—The Cloaca Maxima—The Dejecti- Effusive Act 29 Chapter IV Origin of Bathing—Early Greek Baths—Roman Private Baths— Public Baths of Rome—Ruins of Baths of Caracalla— Description of the Thermae—The Thermæ of Titus at Rome—Baths of Pompeii—Heating Water for Roman Baths— Thermæ of Titus Restored_________________ 37 Chapter V Fall of the Roman Empire—Succeeding Period Known as the Dark Ages—Sanitation During the Dark Ages—Beginning of Material Progress in Sanitation—Pilgrimage to Jugger- naut-Water Supply in Paris—London Water Supply—Aque- duct of Zempoala, Mexico___________________________ Chapter VI Introduction of Pumping Machinery into Waterworks Practice— I he Archimedes Screw—Use of Pumps in Hanover, Ger- many-First London Pump on London Bridge—Savery and Newcomen’s Pumping Engine—The Hydraulic Ram—Pump- ing Engines Erected for the Philadelphia Waterworks—Pipes for Distributing Water—Hydrants and Valves for Wooden Pipes—Data Regarding the Use of Wooden Pipes—Modern Pumping Engines______________________