History of Sanitation

Forfatter: J. J. Cosgrove

År: 1910

Forlag: Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co

Sted: Pittsburgh U.S.A

Sider: 124

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Side af 146 Forrige Næste
Chapter VII Page Early British Sewers—Sewer in the Great Hall of Westminster— Shape of Early English Sewers—Adoption or Recommenda- tion of Pipe Sewers—Early Paris Sewers—Paris Sewers of To-day—Lack of Sewage Data in America—Effect of Mem- phis Epidemics on Sanitary Progress ..... 85 Chapter VIII Sanitary Awakening—Realization of the Danger of Unwhole- some Water—Cholera in London Traced to the Broad Street Pump—An Historical Stink ....... 91 Chapter IX Introduction of Water Filters—Striking Example of the Effi- ciency and Value—Cholera at Altona and Hamburg—Puri- fication of Sewage—The Automatic Scavenger of Mouras— Investigations of the Massachusetts State Board of Health— Garbage Destruction . . . . . . . .109 Chapter X Modern and Recent Plumbing Fixtures—Passing of the Marble Lavatory—Public Wash Houses—Public Comfort Stations— Conclusion .......... 119 vi