History of Sanitation

Forfatter: J. J. Cosgrove

År: 1910

Forlag: Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co

Sted: Pittsburgh U.S.A

Sider: 124

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Side af 146 Forrige Næste
HISTORY OF SANITATION 83 Only one brief century has passed since waterworks pumping stations were introduced in the United States, but what wonderful improvements have been made in pumping machinery design within that short space of time! Steel and iron have taken the place of wood in the manu- facture of boilers and pumps, and instead of the leaky, unsatisfactory apparatus of other days, even when working under low pressures, we now have pumping engines which will work continuously month after month under several hundred pounds pressure, and deliver the daily volumes of from a few hundred to many million gallons of water. Modern Vertical Triple-Expansion Pumping Engine