Its Generation and Use

År: 1889

Forlag: Press of the "American Art Printer"

Sted: New York

Sider: 120

UDK: TB. Gl. 621.181 Bab

With Catalogue of the Manufacturers.of The Babcock & Wilcox Co.

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Side af 136 Forrige Næste
__________________________ ___________________ _______________________ _________________ 101 Steam, Weight of, per cubic foot...................... “ Wet.......................................... Steel. Heat in melted..............................15 Steenstrup’s water-tube boiler, 1825.................. Stevens water tube boiler, 1805....................... Stored energy of heated water....................... “ “ of steam.............................. Substitute for steam not probable__..................__ Sugar plantations using B. & W. boilers.........18, 83, Sugar refineries. B. & W.boilers in .8,14,22,28,46, 52,88,100 Summers & Ogle’s water-tube boiler, 1830____________..__ 35 Superheated steam.................................74,75 Superheating steam by waste gases.................. 75 “ surface in boilers........................... 75 Tests of boilers. Table of average results of_________ Theory of heat engines............................. “ of steam making____........................ Thermal unit. Value of British...................... “ “ “ of French................................... Thurston, Prof. R. H. Energy of steam............ “ “ ' on boiler design............. “ “ on water-tube toilers......... “ “ Rule for water per horse-power Tobacco works using Babcock & Wilcox boilers Tubes. Collection of dust in or on “ Water vs. tire........... Twibill’s water-tube boiler, 1865.... 50 51 !> 44 <> 5ft 114 41 11, 41 .. 25 ........9, 3S> Frontispiece ........ 50 Unequal expansion. Effect of............... United States Capitol. Boilers in.......... “ “ standard gallon................. Vail, J. H., on abuses in engineering........ Value of a pound of carbon................ “ of covering for steam pipes......... “ of various combustibles.................. Vapors. Steam the best of, for heat engines “ in air. Table of......................... Vienna Opera House...................... Volume of air. Weight and............... Wagon Makers using Babcock & Wilcox boilers. Water at different temperatures.......... “ capacity in boilers.................... “ Circulation of......................... “ Feed, heating............................ “ ice, steam.............................. “ Latent heat of......................... “ Separating from steam................. “ Specific gravity of sea................. “ “ heat of........................ “ Solvent power of.............................. “ the best fluid for heat engines........... “ Total heat in a pound.................. “ tubes an element of safety............. “ “ self-cleaning from dust................ “ works using Water tube boilers. Table of American coals...................................... “ average results of tests B. & W. boilers...... “ chimneys, with appropriate horse-powers.... “ combustibles.................................. “ conducting powers of various substances.... efficiencies of pumping machinery.........47 “ flow of steam in pipes..................... ......... “ fusion of metals, etc....................... “ heating surface in boilers................... “ horse-powers.............................. “ loss or heat in steam pipes.................. “ melting points of metals, etc................ “ mitxure of air and vapor................... “ non-conductors............................ “ properties of saturated steam............... “ relative value of pumps and injectors............... “ saving by heating feed water................ “ steam at different pressures.................. “ steam flowing through pipes_______.............. “ temperature by color....................... 1 1 water at different temperatures............. “ woods..................................... Tanbark for fuel. Value of. ....................... Tannate of soda for incrustation......... ................. Tanneries using Babcock & Wilcox boilers........... Temperature of escaping gases...................... “ of fire.......................................... Vapors. 11 ir 53, 55 .... 112 .. .50, 51 .... 39 .9, 13, 38 .... 51 “ to tell by color............ “ “ to tell by fusion.......... “ of steam........................ ........ “ Highest available in heat engines “ Lowest “ “ ....... Temperatures. Water at different............ Testing boilers............................. “ “ Formulas for____................. Test of boilers at Arlington Mills Mfg\ Co.. “ “ Benedict & Burnham Mfg. Co........ “ “ Brush Electric Light Co., Philadelphia.. “ “ Buffalo Grape Sugar Co............... “ “ Edison Co., Menlo Park............... “ “ “ London, Eng............ “ “ Genesee Mills, San Francisco.......... ........... “ “ Greeknock Sugar Refinery, Scotland.... • “ Harrison Havemeyer & Co.............£. “ “ Hepburn & Co., Glasgow............. " “ Lehman, Abraham & Co., New Orleans. “ “ Miami Soap Works, Cincinnati........ “ “ Mill Creek Distillery, Kentucky....... “ “ Oliver Wire Works, Pittsburgh________ • ■* Pedcedale Mfg. Co., Mass............ “ “ Raritan Woolen Mills, N.J............ • ' “ Rockland Paper Mills, Del ........... “ Singer Mfg. Co., Kilbowie, Scotland... “ “ U. S. Centennial, Philadelphia. Tests of Babcock & Wilcox boilers......... 15, 49 .. 80 80, 83 .. 91 .. 86 87 91 89 89 86 89 86, 88 86 89 91 91 86 91 81 89 89 85 81—92 Babcock & Wilcox boilers Brief history of........ Blakely’s, 1766.__....... Eve’s, 1825............ Evolution of Babcock & Wilcox. 2, —33 Griffith^, 1821............ Gurney’s, 1826.......... McCurdy’s, 1826......... Rumsay’s, 1788........... Steenstrup’s, 1828......... Stevens’, 1805............ Summers & Ogle’s, 1830... Twibill’s, 1865............ Wilcox’s, 1856............ Wolf’s, 1790-1805......... Weight of air at different temperatures........ “ of steam per cubic foot..................... “ of water per cubic foot................ “ of wood per cord..................... Wet steam_____________ >.__________♦_________ Wilcox’s water-tube boiler, 1856.............. Wolf’s water-tube boiler, 1799-1806.......... Wood for fuel. Value of..........__....... “ workers using; Babcock & Wilcox boilers Wool for covering pipes...................... “ Mineral................................ . Wool & Worsted Mills using Babcock & Wilcox boilers Wrought steel “headers”........................... 23 23 25 23 25 2a 25 .. 4<> 50-51 .. 53 ... 74 .. 25 .. 23 . .. 53 ... Ill ... 77 IOS 3:5 THE END. (old style.)