Its Generation and Use

År: 1889

Forlag: Press of the "American Art Printer"

Sted: New York

Sider: 120

UDK: TB. Gl. 621.181 Bab

With Catalogue of the Manufacturers.of The Babcock & Wilcox Co.

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Side af 136 Forrige Næste
PAGE. 15 Heat and temperature........................ *• Capacity of water for................... “ Diagram of, in steam................... “ engines. Best fluid for................. “ “ Theory of........................ “ in melted gold.......................... “ steel.......................... “ Loss of, by chimney..................__ • • ........ “ “ “ by radiation from furnace walls “ “ “ from steam pipes............. . • “ Total, of combustion...................... “ *' of steam....................••••• “ in water........................ “ Unit. Value of............................ Heating buildings by steam.................. “ feed water. Saving by_____________ “ from central stations.............. “ liquids by steam.................... “ surface in boilers. Value of........ Hemp and Flax Mills using Babcock & Wilcox boilers. High pressure steam. Economy of............................. History of water-tube boilers. Brief ........ ■ Hoadley, J. C. Test of boilers at Philadelphia Horse-power of boilers...................... “ “ of chimneys.................... “ “ for drying-rooms................ “ “ for heating buildings............ “ “ for heating liquids............. . “ “ through pipes.................... “ “ Standard, oi different nations .... Hospital. Northern Indiana, for Insane...... Hotel. Kimball House, Atlanta, boilers...... “ Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine.............. i* “ “ “ “ boilers... 19 109 59 39 17, 19, 43 .. 17 .15, 49 . .43, 50 .05-69 .51, 75 .. 65 .. 87 .. 59 .60-62 114 63 .44, 63 .. 63 .. 67 .47, 75 9 56 24 34, 56, 57, 58, 102-103 ................. 77 ................. 75 ..... 114 33, 35, 37 ..... 19 .15, 48, 49 ..... 15 .....109 ....74,80 Ice. Artificial, works using Babcock & Wilcox boilers. Incrustation, or scale.............. ................ “ effect of, on economy “ Preventing........... Indiana Hospital for the Insane... Injectors. Relative economy of.... Inspection of boilers. Results of.. Iron and Steel Works. Boilers for............ - - “ “ Babcock <& Wilcox boilers in... Jacketing for steam pipes. Cheap ........... Jacobus, D. S. Feeding; boders......... Jewelry Mfr ’s, using Babcock & Wilcox boilers Joints in Babcock & Wilcox boilers.......... Latent heat not waste....................... “ “ of steam......................... “ “ of water...........••• • • • • • • Leather Mf’rs using Babcock & Wilcox boilers. Limit to accuracy in calorimeter............ “ to rapidity of combustion.______........... “ to superheating in steam engines............... “ to range of temperature in heat engines. Loss of economy from incrustation or scale.... • > “ from surplus air in furnace... • of heat from steam pipes.............. • “ in chimney gases................ Low water in boilers, effect of ..... ........... Lumber Mills using Babcock & Wilcox boilers. ..... 21 ....44, 63 .17, 44, 45 ..... 77 17, 19, 43 ..... 9 ..... Ill Machinery. Agricultural, Mf’rs using B & W. boilers Machinery. Sewing, Mf’rs using B. & W. boilers....... Machinists using Babcock & Wilcox boilers___________ McCurdy’s water-tube boiler, 1825.................... Melting point of various substances.................. Mineral wool____________•_________ __.................................. Mines using Babcock & Wilcox boilers...___________________ Miscellaneous Mf’rs using Babcock & Wilcox boilers... Moisture in steam. Detecting by sight_______________ i‘ “ Formula for........................... 105 105 104 25 55 77 114 116 74 77 .64, 65, 6G New York Steam Company. Station B .......... Non-conductors of heat. Table of............... ...... Oilcloth factories using Babcock & Wilcox boilers. Oil works using Babcock & Wilcox boilers....... Opera House, Vienna________________.......................... Operation of the Babcock & Wilcox boiler....... Orifices. Appearance of steam flowing from..... “ Flow of steam from.................. ......... Overhead pipes in heating...................... Packers and Canners using Babcock & Wilcox boilers.. Paper mills using Babcock & Wilcox boilers.......... “ mill in Mexico................................. .............. Pencoyd Iron Works, boiler-house plan.... *• “ “ “ “ and boilers........ Perfect boiler. Requirements of.................... Petroleum. Apparatus for burning.................. “ for fuel. Value of........................... 109 106 20 35 74 69 110 110 80 103 55 PAGE. .. 63 73 73 77 70 71 13 111 97 Petroleum for incrustation or scale...... Pipes. Steam. Covering for........... “ Flow of steam through.. “ “ Horse-power of........ “ “ Loss of heat from....... Ponce de Leon Hotel, St. Augustine..... “ “ “ “ Boilers in......... “Porcupine” boiler. The first......... “ “ unsafe............. ............. Potteries using Babcock & Wilcox boilers... --- Power and Heating. Babcock & Wilcox boilers used for Pressure. Economy of high steam.__..............•__ • •• “ parts of Babcock & Wilcox boilers, erected. 112, 113 “ the limiting element in heat engines... 21 Priming, or wet steam............■ ■........... Printers using Babcock & Wilcox boilers........ Produce Exchange, New York. Boilers in......... Properties of saturated steam.................. Public School, Plainfield, N. J. Boiler in. ...... Puddling furnaces with Babcock & Wilcox boilers.. Pumping machinery. Efficiency of.........__..... Pumps and injectors. Relative economy of...... Radiation from furnace walls..................... “ steam pipes..._______.............................. Railroads using Babcock & Wilcox boilers....... “ Cable. Metropolitan, Kansas City....... “ “ using Babcock & Wilcox boilers. Rapidity of combustion____________:..................... References for Babcock & Wilcox boilers......... Regulating steam heating automatically.......... Relative value of coal and other fuels......... “ “ of non-conductors.;• Gl umvi A*, j —- — — “ “ of water and steam space in boilers. Repairs of Babcock & Wilcox boilers. C-~- . - “ <• “ Ease of.... Reports of Boiler Insurance Companies.......... Requirements of a perfect steam boiler.................... Rules for care of boilers.____.................... Rumsay’s water-tube boiler, 1788................ .. 21 39, 74 .. 110 .. 72 .. 48 .. 69 .. 57 .. 47 .17, 19 .. 77 .. 105 .. 26 .. 105 .. 17 .97-117 55 ui _................. .. of pumps and injectors for feeding boilers <>■> Cost of.... 33, 93-96 42 9 78 23 Safety. Attention necessary to secure.... “ boilers so called................ “ in boilers_____________. ________ “ of Babcock & Wilcox boilers...... “ Watertubes an element of......... Saturated steam. Properties of........... Saw dust for fuel........................ Saw Mills using Babcock & Wilcox boilers Scale. See “ Incrustation.”.............. Sea water............................... Separating water from steam............ Sewing Machine Works using Babcock & Wilcox boilers Silk Mills using Babcock & Wilcox boilers.... Sinuous headers in Babcock & Wilcox boilers...... “ “ of wrought steel................ “ Slack” for fuel......................................... .......... Smoke. Combustion of......................... Soda ash for incrustation.................. _____ ■ • ..... Somerset Mfg. Co. Boiler house and chimney of.. Space heated by one horse-power of steam.. Standard horse-power for boilers....__.... “ “ of different nations... Stayed surfaces unsafe..................... Steam and water capacity in boilers......... “ boilers. See “ Boilers.”............... “ Boiling by______ .................. “ Diagram of heat in................. ....................................... “ Drying by........................____ * • Dry............................... “ Dry, in Babcock & Wilcox boilers.... “ Economy in........................ “ engines. Efficiency of.____........__ __ ......... “ flowing from orifices. Appearance of “ Flow of, from orifices................ “ “ through pipes.................. “ Heating by........................ “ Heat in................................................. “ High pressure. Economy of....... “ making. Theory of..................... “ pipes. Covering for............... >• '• Flow of steam through,..... “ “ Loss of heat from.......... .... Steam power. Babcock & Wilcox boilers used for. “ “ of the world......................... i “ “ Cost of............... “ Properties of............................ “ Saturated, appearance of................. “ u .......................... “ “ Properties of..................... “ Stored energy of........................ “ Substitute for, not probable.............. “ Superheated............................ “ Volume of............................... ......11, 13 ...9, 11, 13 ....... 39 ........ 11 ......48, 49 ........ 55 ...... Ill 50 69 105 109 35 33 55 47 63 82 69 59 59 11 39 71 15 77 49 .. 71 74, 83 7, 43 ..... 73 65, 67, G9 15, 48, 49 48, 49 .. 74 .48, 74 .. 49 9 119