
Forfatter: H. Wolfhagen

År: 1903

Forlag: Jacob Lunds Boghandel

Sted: København

Sider: 664

UDK: 801.3.629.12(03) Wol

I. Maritime udtryk paa dansk, engelsk, fransk, tysk.

II. Sproglige vink paa engelsk, fransk, tysk.

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Side af 694 Forrige Næste
Aiming-gun, -rifle 272, 294. Air 442, 444. — -accumulator 258. — -}»ag 238. — -bladder 480. — -chamber 236, 2-18, 260. — -compressing pump 258. — -course 164. — -cowl 180. — -distributor 258. — -lever 250. — -pipe 180. — -pump 210. — -valve 214. — -vessel 214. — , to 516. Alcoholic ether 270. Alder 270. Aleak 380. Alee 384, 386. Alive 330. All round fire 294. — ’s well 390. Allotment 532. Allowance 534. Almanac 422. Aloft 192, 380, 388. Alongside 192, 368. Alter, to 376. 412, 494. Altitude 418, 422. Amain 390. Amalgamated 212. Amidships 192, 384. Ammeter 244. Ammunition 29’2. 204, 302. A mount 554. Amplitude 422. Anchor 324, 352—300. — (»//'ne) 238. — , to 354, 356. — -lantern 402. — -line 486. Anchorage 452. — -dués 454, 550. Anchored net 486. Anchoring-berth 452. — -place 452. Anchovy 474. An-end 310. Anemometer 448. Aneroid 446. Angle (<jun) 296, 298, 300. — (fish.) 488. — (nav.) 412, 418, 426. — (shipb.) 158. 188. — -bar 168. — -iron 170. — of advance 206. Angler 472. Annul, to 398. Answer, to 384. Antarctic 466. Anthracite 230. Antiscorbutic 538. I Aperient 538. Aport 384. : Apron 162, 456. Arc 264, 420. I Archipelago 448. Arctic 426, 470. Areometer 148. ■ Arm 396, 484. — of anchor 352. ' — „ rocking-shaft 276. — „ the sea 462. — ,to 244, 366. — , „ , the capstan 358. | ' — , ,, , the lead. 424. j Armament 272. Armature 260, 262. Armed 556. Arms 302, 518. — , small 292, 300. Armour 172, 174. — -clad 146, 148. — -plated 146. — piercing 288. Armoured 170, 174. Arrangement 242. Arrears 532, 542. Arrest 510. — , to 500, 556. Arrow-head, -point 248. Article5 544. — of war 558. Artificer-engineer 234, 520. Artificial 198, 418. — (/lsA.) 488, 490. — magnet 260. As she goes! 384. Asbestos 218. Ascertain 422, 424, 428. Ash-bucket 226. — -hoist 198, 220. — -pit 194. — -port, -scuttle 226. Ashes 232. Ashore 192, 378, 450. Aspiring-dredger 156. Ass 342. Assemble, to 494. Assistance 536. Assistant engineer 234. Association of sea-fishery 482. Astern 192, 224, 492. — , to be 414. — , „ go 356, 374. Astronomical 402, 416. 418, 424. Athwart 1D2, *284. 462. Atmospheric 208. 214. At sea 194, 464. Attaché 504. Attack, t<> attack 496. 502. Attention-signal 302. Aurora borealis 440. Automatical 234, 262. Automobile 246. Avast 358. Average 378, 380, 350. Aviso, despatch-vessel 148. Avoid, to 406. A-waft 398. Award, to 516.