
Forfatter: H. Wolfhagen

År: 1903

Forlag: Jacob Lunds Boghandel

Sted: København

Sider: 664

UDK: 801.3.629.12(03) Wol

I. Maritime udtryk paa dansk, engelsk, fransk, tysk.

II. Sproglige vink paa engelsk, fransk, tysk.

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Side af 694 Forrige Næste
CXI Pipe-fish 474. Pirate 556. Pistol 246, 248, 254, 396. Piston *206, 250, 254. 282. Pit, to pit 194, 200, 230. Pitch, to pitch 190, 228. — , to (to chop) 376. Pivot 280, 282, 408. Place 378, 414, 478. Plague 538. Plaice 474, 482, 484. Plain clothes 512. Plan 156, 158, 436. — of action 496. Plank, planking 164, 362. Plant 260, 262. Plastic 276. Plate 166, 168, 194, 282. — , plating 170, 362. Plates 172, 174, 264. Platina 238. Pleasure-yacht 372. Plug 238. 248, 362. — of cock 216. — -key. -selector 262. Plunging fire 294. Pneumatic 280. Pocket 286, 484. Pogge 472. Point 192. 382, 384, 386, 408, 410. — of cut oft’ 208. „ rope 348. up 434. , to 284, 310. Pointer 418. Poker 226. Polar 420, 466—170. Polaris 420. Polarization 264. Pole 418, 420. — (electr.) 242, 260,264. (fish) 474. (mast) 304, 310. (net) 480. (sailing) 382. Pole-compass 406. Police-vessel 154. Policy 552. Pollack 472. Pontoon 150, 246. Poop, pooped 164, 402, 462. Pope 470. Popple 46*2. Porbeagle 474. Pork 534. Porpoise 176. Port (gun) 178, 180. 282. — (harbour) 452, 454, 502, 504. — (larboard) 190, 368, 402, 41*2. — (torp.) 250. — t -charges 548. — -column 492. — -tøck 382. -watch 526. Portable 210, 402. Portioner 524, 536. Position 402, 412, 414, 428. Positions 504. Positive 242. Post 162, 168, 186. Potash, potassium 270. Potential 242. Pouch 304. Pound 486. Powder 256, 268, 292. 296. — -cape 292. — -chamber 274. Power 264, 298, 300. 436. — of attorney 554. „ defence 496. Practice 290, 294. 296, 494. Practique. practise 542. Prawn 178. Precedence 508. Precipitation 440. Preliminary visit 518. Premium 552. Preparatory 392. Prepare, to 238,284,356,518. Prepared laying 294. Preponderance 274. Present arms 302, 518. Preserve the bearing 494. Preserved 480, 534. Press, to 218, 330. Pressure 198, 202, 470. Prevent, to 376. Preventer- 332, 334. Prick, to prick 426, 432. Pricker 226, 324, 350. Primage 550. Primary 242, ‘262, 400. Prime, priming 200, 208. Primer, priming 238, 248r 286, 290, 301. Priming-tube 292. Prismatic 268. Prismatical 276. Prisoner 558. Privateer 556. Privilege 482, 554. Prize 556. — , -firing 294, 374. Probability 298. Process 550. Products 270, 480. Production 200. Professor 404. Profit-account 554. Projectile 274,2S8, 290,298. Projecting turret 170, 272. Projection 426. Projector 18*2, 306. Promenade-deck 168. Promote, promotion 506r 508. Proof-shot 296. Propeller 16*2.168,22S, 252. Proportion-scale 426. Protected 146, 148, 306. Protecting net 260. Protective 170, 458. Protest 552. Protractor 418. Prove, to 300.