
Forfatter: H. Wolfhagen

År: 1903

Forlag: Jacob Lunds Boghandel

Sted: København

Sider: 664

UDK: 801.3.629.12(03) Wol

I. Maritime udtryk paa dansk, engelsk, fransk, tysk.

II. Sproglige vink paa engelsk, fransk, tysk.

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Side af 694 Forrige Næste
CXII Provision, provisions 532, 534, 536, 538, 542. Pull, to pull 368, 374, 390. Pump, pumping 182, 184, 210, 212. — -gear 184. Punch, to 172. Punishments 510. Punt 156, 360. Purchase 340. Purchaser 546. Purse 484. Purser’s books 530. Purveyor 286, 522. Push-contact 244. Put, to 284. 340, 360, 510. — , „ , about 386. — , „ , the helndown370. — , „ , in commission 456. — , „ , in for 454. — , „ , on 260. — , „ , out 200, 242. Putty 218, 228. Pyroxyline 268. Quadrant 188: Quadrantal 410. Quadruple 204. Quake 470. Qualities 158, 428. Quantity-fuze 238, 272. Qurantine 458. Quar'er 192, 284, 382, 462. — < compass) 410. — (moon) 420. — . quarters 462, 528. — , io 526. — - leek 164, 522, 526. — -irons 316. — -line 492. Quarterly 552. Quay 454, 550. Quick-firing, loading 272. — -works 160. Quicksand 450. Quincunx order 234. Quinine 538. Quit, to 496. Quite near 382. — straight 284. Rabbet 160. Kace. racing 372, 374. — {rip) 464. — , to 230. Racer 282. Racing flag 394. Rack 18(5. Racking 168, 304. — -power ‘298. — -seizing 348. Radial 230. Radius 224, 236, 494. Raft 156, 180. Rail 164, 166, 254. Railway-ferry-steamer 154. Rain 328, 440, 444. Rainbow 398, 442. Raise, to 202, 236, 388, 500. Rake 226. — of mast 308. — of stem 162. Raking fire 294. Ram, to ram 146, 168, 498. — , to, rammer 284, 286. Range 258, 296, 298, 300. Rank 502, 506, 508, 520. Rapidity 294, 400. Ratchet 220, 226. 252. Rate, to rate 414, 416. Hating 510, 518. Ratlines 332. Rattle down, to 332. Ray 476. Razee 150. Reach 296, 386, 424. Read, reading 398,418, 446. Ready 180, 356, 386. — about 370. Rear- 490, 492, 502. Rebound 464. Recalling fork 252. Recapture 556. Receipt 458, 554. Receive, to 508, 518. Receiver 206. — {person) 544. — , receiving 400. Receiving ship 150. Reckoning 402, 414. Recoil 282, 296. Recoiling 278. Recommended 518. Reconnpitre, to 498. Recruit, to 528. Red 28«, 430. — flag 394. — lead 218. Reduce, to 202, 382, 510. Reduced 2J0, 428, 520. Reducing 250. Reduction 214. Reef 428. — , reefed 326,328,332. — -earing 330. — -tackle 338. Reel 488. Re-engagement 530. Reeve, to 340, 344. Refit, to 456. Reflecting 442. Reflection 416. Refraction 420. Refrigerating 220, 470. Kefuge 452, 502. Refuse 232, 480. — , to 496. — -silk 292. Region 444. Register, registry 542. — -tonnage 156. Regulate, to 258. Regulation 264, 40'2. Regulator 190, 248, 262. Reinforce 302. Kelay, 244, 400. Releasing 256. Relieve, to 500, 508, 526.