Takskrivelse til en Klub ved Afrejsen.
H. D. M. S. »Valkyrien«,
Sir 20—7—04.
Before leaving port the Captain and Ward Room Offi-
cers of H. D. M. S. »Valkyrien« wish to express their gra-
titude for the kind reception they have met with at your
club and the pleasant hours spent there.
The President of the »United Club«.
This is to certify, that during the stay of FI. I). M. S.
»Heimdal« in this port, Mrs. N. has clone the Officers’
washing to their full satisfaction. She has tieated the wash-
ing with great care and charged very moderate prices.
N. N.
Takskrivelse for at have overværet en Nationalfest.
I Reglen aflægges personlig Visit efter at have over-
været en fremmed Nationalfest; men hvis Omstændighederne
ikke tillader det, kan følgende Eksempel Lenyttes.
2—12 --04.
Captain N. N. presents his compliments and begs Cap-
tain N. to receive his sincerest thanks for the splendid
entertainment on the anniversary of Her Majesty the Empress
and Queen Alexandra of Great-Britain and Ireland (Her
British Majesty Queen Alexandra).