Captain N. N. regrets sincerely, that orders just received
from home prevent him from presenting his compliments
personally to Captain N.
The members of the Royal Naval Club present their
compliments to the Captain and Ward Room Officers of
H. M. S. »Standard« and hope that they will consider them-
selves honorary members of the Club during their stay at
Captain N. N. commanding H. D. M. S. »Heimdal«
has the honour of informing Captain N. that the anniver-
sary af His Majesty, the King of Denmark, will be cele-
brated Monday April 8th and begs to invite Captain N. to
dine on board at 7,30 p, m.
Reykjavik, 6—4—04.
The Captain and Ward Room Officers of H. 1). M. S.
»Fyen« request the honour of the company of Captain N. N.
and the Officers of H. M. S. »Colossus« at an afternoon
dance at 2 p. m. February ist.
Malta, January 31th 1904.
The Ward Room Officers of H. I). M. S. »Hekla«
request the pleasure and honour of the company of Four*)
of the Officers of H. M. S. »Volage« at dinner on Monday
the 2nd August at 7 p. m.
Reykjavik, R. S. V. P. to
ist Aug. 04. Mess-President.____________
) Det anses for Høflighed at skrive Gæsternes Antal med stort Bogstav.