Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
»meister war der zweyte, der über diese Materie schrieb. Es
»scheint, dass er sich nicht sehr geeilt habe seine Entdeckungen
»bekannt zu machen, denn in einem Briefe an W. vom Jahre
»1661* 1) sagt er, dass er schon 1649 ein Werk über den Wider-
»stand der festen Körper unter dem Titel: »Galilaeus promotus«
»geschrieben habe«.
Respecting the life of Poul Würtz there are to be found very
interesting informations in the Danish Biographical Dictionary
vol. 19 Pag. 248. From that we learn how he, who was born
in Husum on the 30th of October 1612, was the son of a citizen
of that town Claus W. and Margrethe Busch. He had a bur-
ning love of knowledge and great energy and having been en-
gaged as a clerk at a lawyer in Sleswic he used all his spare time
to satisfy his thirst of knowledge. Further, how fortune was
kind to him: he met an imperial Austrian captain, sent to the
Gottorpian court, who took a liking to him and took him to
Vienna where he was to be educated by the Jesuits. But Wiirtz’s
mind was bent upon the military profession and he therefore
enlisted as a common soldier and soon advanced to lieutenant;
but to be more easily promoted he entered the Swedish army
where he made a powerful friend and protector in Karl Gustav
of Zweibrücken — afterwards Karl X, King of Sweden — who
knew to value his ingenuity, his courage, and his presence of
mind and who raised him from rank to rank, so that he at the
end of the Thirty-'year’s-war was a colonel and the chief of the
Swedish Horseguards. There are a good deal of particulars
about his partaking of Karl Gustav’s wars in Poland after which
he was appointed Generallieutenant and baron and enfeoffed
the estate of Ørnholm in »Kexholm Len« (county of Kexholm)
and appointed the governor of Stettin. His corps marched through
Holsten and Sleswic and partook of the assault on Frederiksodde
on the 24th of October 1657. Having later on felt himself neg-
lected in Sweden he went to Hamburg to live there as a private
which is to be found at the University Library of Copenhagen there is no
mentioning of Blondel or Würtz.
Girard who seems to have been the source of Fremonts informations
of Würtz seems to have made a mistake in his above quoted passage on
page X of the introduction, probably in not noticing that Blondel's letters
of 1657 and 1661 which are mentioned above are to two different persons,
i) Beneath the text we find: F. B. epistola ad P. VT. in qua famosa Galilæi
propositio discutitur circa naturam ....