Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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■ \ ___________________ 121 technical properties of the wood of Danish common spruce«, which he had carried out by means of a subvention from the government. After his decease his work was, after the proposal of Mr. Opper- mann and Mr. Prytz, professors at the Royal Veterinary and Agri- cultural College, continued by Mr. C. F. Meldahi, graduate in forestry, who published «Some investigations of the strength of Danish and Foreign conifers« in »Tidskrift for Skovvæsen« Vol. V, 1893. By the investigations was found, that with regard to strength Danish common spruce was not much inferior to Swedish nor German and that mostly for the inner parts of the log only. Meldahl made also investigations about wood’s resistance to wear and for this purpose he, as we presume, employed for the first time sand-blast in the service of the testing of materials (see B III, i). Some years ago there was established an experimental depart- ment of forestry. See also the last part of B III, k. Further, the Telegraphic Department and various laboratories and factories have employed testing of materials. V. Stein’s Laboratory has at an early date tested cement, and at the Royal Polytechnical Institute a series of teste on danish lime for building purpose was commenced about 20 years ago and were continued later on with tests of Portlandcement from this country. These experiments were executed by N. P. Nielsen, mech. engineer, and when these had finished in 1894 aStatesLabo- r a t o r y for Testing of Cement1), directed by him, was established for some years at the last named institution, but this as well as V. Stein’s laboratory for cement-testing were in 1896 swallowed up by the Danish States Testing Labo- ratory. g. Informations about The Danish States Testing Laboratory and its Work. The Danish States Testing Laboratory is established 1896 by the Danish Society of Civil Engineers especially by the energetic initiative of its president at that time Mr. G. A. Hagemann, now On the experiments which here were executed for Mr. Grut, captain in the Royal Engineers, on the elasticity of concrete when subjected to tension see congress reports IX, 1. c. 9