Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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122 Director of the Royal Polyt. Institute. The Society pledged it- self to cover an eventual deficit, if the government would permit the institution to carry the name of the States Testing Laboratory and would pay a small annual subsidy. In this manner the States Testing Laboratory was carried on till 1st of April of the present year, when the government took the entire charge of the institution, as the minister of the interior the Hon. Mr. KI. Berntsen, carried through the parliament a law thereof. A special department of it: the laboratory for clay- testing which was established by means presented from Skrikes institution and which had a board of its own was at this opportunity incorporated in the States Testing La- boraty. On page 19, fig. 5 on the right it may be seen how modestly the States Testing Laboratory began its work in 1896 in Vestervoldgade 7. Even now it resides very modestly in a hired flat in Malmøgade 7. The laboratory is technical adviser for the Danish customs. In some rooms adjoining it the Royal Poly- technical Institute has its place for training students in the te- sting of materials. In the course of the years the Stated Testing Laboratory has been equipped with the following machines and apparatus: A complete equipment for cement testing including a 32 Ts. hydraulic press from Amsler-Laffon, a Ferets bending appara- tus etc. A 50 Tons machine for tensile-, compression- and bending-tests from Tinius Olsen in Philadelphia. A 120 Ts. Brinck & Hübner hydraulic press. A machine for testing abrasion, System: Dorry1). A lever-aparatus for compression-tests of cement- and clay- pipes. Besides: An electric furnace (see later) and other furnaces for testing of clay, a Berthelot-Mahler bomb calorimeter and va- rious other small apparatus. Althought the laboratory is thus only modestly equipped with machines and apparatus when compared with the great institutions of foreign countries it has however in the course of the years been able to make tests to an amount of ca. 200,000 Danish crowns *) »Baumaterialienkunde« 1902, p. 313.