Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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increase very much in size, which is proved by the curve pas-
sing into an abruptly downhill branch.
The Laboratory- has made some experiments with F ere t
cement prisms to institute a comparison with the common
standard tests, especially for determining the influence on the
strength of different additions of water and different stamping
of the prisms. A report of some of these experiments, has been
sent to Prof. Schule in Zurich, the chairman of the Committee 42.
The Sub-Director in charge of the Laboratory, Mr. Mayntz
Petersen, has already before the Congress of Brussels, made some
experiments for the committee 30 for determining the
q u a n t i ty of fine particles in cement, see Professor
Gary’s report to the Brussels Congress; the experiments, which have
been executed for the Association of Scandinavian
Manufacturers of P o r 11 a n d c e m e n t, have later been
completed, and report has been given to Prof. Gary for the use
of his discourse at the Congress in Copenhagen.
Assisted by the Laboratory the same association has as early as
1896 commenced a series of experiments on th e resistance
of cement mortar to the influence of the sea
wate r, for which 4000 cubes were produced by the Labora-
tory and immersed in different places of the Scandinavian seas.
On the part of the said association Mr. A. Poulsen, chief-engineer
at the Hydraulic Engineering Department in Lemvig, will give an
account at the Congress in Copenhagen of the results obtained up
to this time.
The Congress of Brussels had resolved that the test for
determining the normal consistency should be
made in a mould inside conical with 400 g cement in a way the
details of which were given more particularly. It has, however,
appeared from the experiments of the Laboratory, that this quan-
tity of cement is rather small, which has been further strengthened
by experiments made by Prof. Mesnager, wherefore the Laboratory
intends through Sub-Director Mayntz Petersen to place before the
Congress in Copenhagen the question of an amendment in the
rules agreed upon in Brussels as to this point.
At the Laboratory various other researches have been made
on cement, for instance, on the faculty of cement mortar in pro-
tecting iron structures from fire. Some other experiments made
for Mr. Grat, Captain of the Royal Engineers, on the strength of