Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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cement, when exposed to higher temperatures have been published
by Mr. Grut in »Den Tekn. Forenings Tidsskrift« (Review of
the Technical Society) 1903—4, Vol. 27, p. 206 — see the report
to the Congress IX 1 c.
As to some researches on cement plaster, see III f.
111. Other Researches.
power of
wear etc.
IV gives
made of
a. Testing of Natural Stones.
The Laboratory has, of course, made the common
lions of the crushing strength of natural stones, then-
absorbing water, resistance to frost and resistance to
The resistance to wear is determined by means of the D'orry
wear testing machine, named p. 21, where the loss of weight as
well as of height is determined. The following Table
the results obtained by the Laboratory until the 1st of
1909 of tests of resistance to wear of both natural and
As an instance of a greater series of examinations
natural stones may be quoted researches undertaken 8 years ago
in consequence of the restoration of the Exchange in Copenhagen.
A restoration made 20 years before where the stone-work
had cost about 100,000 Kr. proved namely to have been of transi-
tory use, large pieces falling off the images on the building cut
out in Gothland sandstones. For one thing the researches of the
Laboratory tended to make out how fluating would act upon
the Gothland sandstone as well as regards its resistance to frost
as to wear and to compare new Gothland sandstone and old
ditto from the Exchange in both unfluated and fluated state with
sandstones from Obernkirchen in Hessen-Cassel (in Denmark
called Bremer-sandstone) as to their quality of being weather-
proof, namely by the tests pointed out by Prof. Seipp1). A sum-
mary of the report V of the Laboratory on this series of examina-
tions was embodied in »Baumaterialienkunde« 1902, p. 218. From
this may be quoted that fluating protected to some extent Goth-
land sandstone from frost and wear, but that the fluated and
unfluated Gothland sandstones did not differ much, when going
x) Prof. Seipp: Die Wetterbeständigkeit der natürlichen Bausteine und die
Wetterbeständigkeitsproben, Jena 1900, p. 176.
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