Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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for instance, display a resistance to crushing of only 18-—29 kg
pr. sq. cm.
Moler bricks can be employed for partitions ma-
soned directly on the floors without any other support than the
latter and for floor-constructions and for vaults of every form.
When used for vaults between iron-beams, the latter can be made
less strong than on employing common bricks. As the bricks can
be rendered nail-proof they can likewise as »Schwemmsteine« be
employed for the fastening of the frames of doors. In the brick-
field of Vindø were produced special bricks for the masoning of
chimney corners in a line with partitions of boards. On account
of the ligthness of the moler bricks, it is possible to employ bricks
of the double height without their becoming heavier than common
bricks. Thus the number of joints is decreased, less lime is em-
ployed, and piling, loading and unloading becomes easier. That
moler bricks of the usual size are very comfortably managed by
masons and labourers, and that twice the number can be loaded on
railway-cars and lighters goes without saying.
Apart from being adapted to bricks of partitions moler bricks
can be employed in the masoning of boilers, but not instead of
fire-proof bricks, nor as outer bricks owing to their prominent
water absorbing properties. (Nor are they, for the same reason,
suitable as nether bricks in buildings). But their being bad
conductors of heat renders them well fit for being placed
elsewhere in the boiler-masonry. The slight thermal conduc-
tivity has been substantiated by various experiments, both at the
Testing Laboratory and in the Eastern Gas-Works, where the ma-
nager Mr. Irminger placed some bricks as cover of the retort-
bench above a retort comparing them with two different sorts
of fire-proof bricks and common bricks. In the new poor-house
»Sundholm« in Copenhagen, the chief-engineer in the municipality
has had quite uniform boilers masoned both with and without
moler bricks, so that it can be established by means of experi-
ments also there, whether moler bricks are well adapted to the
isolating of heat. Another competent authority has, for the rest,
written a warm recommendation for moler bricks having proved
excellent for boiler-masonry1).
The slight thermal conductivity in the moler brick is, of
Annual Report of the Laboratory for 1907, p. 6.
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