Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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course, due to the many small air-holes occurring in and between
the skeletons of the silicious algse. For this reason the moler
bricks will be well adapted as backing-bricks in outer walls,
where the house is wanted to be sheltered. In hollow outer walls
they will presumably be excellently adapted for the internal part
of the wall. On account of the same property they will be suitable
as vault bricks and for the covering of columns and beams in
iron-constructions. It is also specially recommended to employ
them in the walls of ice-houses, cooling-rooms and dairy premises
and in cheese-rooms. These bricks can also be employed as fil-
tering-stones and whetstones.
On a single very important point the moler bricks were, how-
ever, in want of research. It was not known, how the bricks
would be able to resist the strong heat of a fire, and regarding
I heir value as building material it was, of course, of great impor-
tance to become clear of this point. One was aware of the not
slight shrinkage of the bricks during their own burning.
On this was thrown light by some experiments made by the
Laboratory in 1907 for Frederiksholm’s Brickworks Co. Itd. given
»Result of fire test with one bricks wall
built of moler bricks made according to the requisition
of The Frederiksholms Brick- and Limeworks, Co. Itd.«
An examination was wanted as to a one bricks wall being
able to resist the effect of a fire without the bearing strength of
the wall being diminished because the individual bricks were
vitrified or melted.
In the territory of the Eastern Gas-Works an experimental
house was built the construction of which appears from the
present photographs. The experimental house had a height of
157 cm and was run up of one brick’s wall. The middle
transverse wall was built of moler bricks, namely 6" broad
partition-bricks, sent in by Frederiksholm’s Brick- and Lime-
works. These bricks were laid with the breadth at right angles
to the thickness of the wall and in bond with the outer walls
consisting of yellow clinkers. Above the experimental
covered with fire-proof bricks placed so close, that
just sufficient outlet for the smoke.
On the bottom of each of the two cell-like rooms
perimental house were placed 3 large Bunsen-burners, thus alto-
house was
there was
of the ex-
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