Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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,, _ ■_ .. \ /'< 1' _______________________________________
External length mm External length to the socket mm Internal length to the socket mm Internal diameter mm Thickness of material mm Crushing-strength
Total kg kg pr. sq. m of horizontal cross sectio- nal area
847 739 785 317 31 626 22301
843 739 798 317 31 870 3100)
817 703 772 304 28.5 1072 4220
850 745 791 307 32 1481 5350)
850 745 794 307 32 1563 5640J
840 739 804 314 32 1882 6650)
840 742 804 314 33 2332 8220J
873 732 785 314 35 1434 5090
863 732 794 314 35 1285 4560
824 752 791 317 34 1225 4230
845 750 800 310 35 963 3380)
845 750 800 310 35 1063 3730J
863 732 817 396 35 1252 3660
843 752 791 376 34 819 2480
817 693 768 379 33 841 2730
837 729 788 389 35 1024 3060
820 700 770 375 35 1603 51501
820 700 770 375 35 1673 5370;
830 715 765 380 45 1893 5630]
835 735 780 375 47 1783 5160J
855 740 800 470 46 1493 3600(
860 745 805 470 46 1123 2690J
820 700 770 450 39 1433 38601
820 700 770 450 39 2043 5510J
1007 879 942 471 40 1396 2880
853 732 798 471 39 1406 3000
850 732 798 484 39 1544 3280
853 739 794 471 38 753 I860)
853 739 794 471 38 764 1890J
900 549 78 1633 25701
890 549 78 2353 3750)
961 876 955 553 50 2829 4950
961 883 948 553 54—51 2038 3520
994 883 951 543 50 1016 1800
857 749 811 536 46 1638 3490]
857 749 811 536 46 1680 3570J
1004 896 945 628 55 1608 24301
1007 902 948 624 55 1870 2820J