Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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It will be seen that in the Tables beside the dimensions
of the pipes and the total crushing-strength is
also given the c r u s h i n g - s t r e n g t h in kg pr. sq. m ho-
rizontal transverse section, where the horizontal
transverse section is calculated as the product of the external
diameter and the external length of the pipe to the socket.
The pipes treated of in Table VII and VIII were all common
round pipes with sockets. Only in a few cases the proportions
and the age of the pipes tested were specified.
It is, however, to be presumed that the pipes were not sent in
to be tested until they were considered fit for use i. e. have been
stored for a sufficiently long time for hardening.
It is seen that the number of pipes tested with other dimen-
sions than 6" = about 160 mm is but small, so that the results
cannot be said to give any satisfactory picture of the strength,
that can be claimed for other pipes than the 6" ones.
But of these not few were tested, namely 15 pieces of clay-
pipes and 31 pieces of cement-pipes. Thus, it is only for the 6„
pipes that the end has been attained aimed at by the Laboratory
in publishing the results, namely, both that a furnisher on having
his pipes tested shall be able to find figures to compare with
those found out for his own pipes, and that the figures shall be
of use for the drawing up of specifications in giving
an idea of what can be claimed. The mean crushing-strength
for 6" clay-pipes is 15,400 kg pr. sq. m and for Q" cement-pipes
10,030 kg pr. sq. m horizontal transverse section.
f. Attempts at Producing Weather-Proof Cement-Plaster
without Fissures.
These researches were made for a committee appointed by
the magistracy of Copenhagen in order to find out how the de-
coration of Thorvaldsens Musæum in Copenhagen could be re-
stored. This decoration consists partly of large fields of one
colour, chiefly yellow, but also black, green or white, partly
of a series of pictorial representations in many co-
lours on the outside of the museum representing the return of
Thorvaldsen to Copenhagen and facing the court in few
colours representing leafage, palms, driving genii, decorated vases
etc. The pictorial representations are executed as inlaid