Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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work of coloured cement. The uniform fields also chiefly
consist of coloured cement, the yellow fields having, however, a
layer of fresco-paint above the coloured cement. Here and there
occur for the rest blue and red lines, friezes and lists round the
The named yellow paint has come off or has grown incoherent.
When moistened with water the whole of the yellow layer of
plaster can be removed with a spatula which cannot be done for
instance with the black layer of plaster when moistened. Below
the yellow paint the yellow coloured cement is in many places
seen to have nearly lost its colours. The pictorial representations
have also to a great extent lost the colours; all round the coloured
plaster is seen to be disintegrated, and everywhere the cement
plaster both in the fields and the pictures is full of cracks. It may
be taken for granted that the latter have contributed to the
principal destruction of the plaster planes in the course of time;
water and dirt penetrated into the fissures, and on the freezing
of the water they widened out, while the dirt occasioned the for-
mation of fungi in many ways instrumental in the plaster and
colours being ruined.
It is well known that the fissures are derived from the con-
traction of the cement plaster during the setting. Before the Con-
gress for testing materials in Paris in 1900 Prof. Henry Le Cha-
telier laid the results of a series of experiments begun by him
some years before on the shrinkage of the absolute volume
of cement mortar during the setting and shortly before published
in Bull, de la Soc. d’Encouragement 1900, p. 54. Before the
same Congress the director of the Danish States Testing Labora-
tory laid some experiments made by the Laboratory partly to
show this contraction, partly to prove that the contraction could
be counteracted when treating the plastered planes with Kessler’s
Magnesia-fluate1). The Report VI2) of the Laboratory treats,
however, not only of these matters, but also of several others,
thus, researches on the alkalinity of various sorts of cement and
researches on the best reaction against this alkalinity. Among the
remedies tested for this purpose fluate proved to be best adapted
*) Last Volume of the Report of the Congress, p. 183, Summary of a Report by
G. A. Hagemann and II. I. Hannover.
2) Translated into German in »Baumaterialienkunde« 1903, Nr. 12 and 1904,
Nr. 7, 8 and 11—12.