Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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Tabel XII. Tests of Resistance to Wear of Rubber Soles.
the 'S 8 Number Area of Loss of Loss of
'S Jq O of the test weight of weight in Notes
■23m double piece in the test- g pr. sq.
S strokes sq. cm piece in g cm
1 r( 0—2000 36,4 1,50 0,041 (The furrows in the sole were not
A 1 r2 0—2000 38,0 1,51 0,040 J worn off totally by the 2000 strokes.
1 ri 2—4000 36,4 0,82 0,023 (The furrows had not yet been quite
1 rn 2—4000 38,0 0,91 0,024 J worn off.
2 0—2000 40,5 2,45 0,060 (The furrows in the sole were worn
B 2 r2 0—2000 39,0 2,26 0,058 J off after the first 2000 strokes.
2 ri 2—4000 40,5 2,47 0,061
2 r„ 2—4000 39,0 2,25 0,058
3 r 0—2000 37,5 1,15 0,031 (The furrows in the sole were not
c 3 l 0—2000 37,5 0,98 0,026 J worn quite off by the 2000 strokes.
3 r 2—4000 37,5 0,73 0,019 'iThe furrows in the sole were not
3 l 2—4000 37,5 0,72 0,019 /quite worn off.
4 r 0—2000 37,5 0,90 0,024 (The furrows in the sole were not
I) 4 l 0—2000 37,5 0,85 0,023 /quite worn off by the 2000 strokes.
4 T 2—4000 37,5 0,75 0,020 (The furrows in the sole were not
4 l 2—4000 37,5 0,64 0,017 J yet quite worn off.
5 r 0—2000 37,5 1.39 0,037 } The furrows in the sole were worn
p 5 l 0—2000 37,5 2,02 0,054 J off after the first 2000 strokes.
5 r 2—4000 37,5 1,91 0,051
5 l 2—4000 37,5 2,20 0,059
6 r 0—2000 37,5 2,15 0,057 (The furrows in the sole were worn
P 6 l 0—2000 37,5 1,25 0,033 J off after the first 2000 strokes.
6 r 2—4000 37,5 2,38 0,063
6 Z 2—4000 37,5 3,33 0,089
7 r 0—2000 37,5 2,44 0,065 (The furrows in the sole were worn
7 l 0—2000 37,5 2,48 0,066 J off after the first 2000 strokes.
vi 7 r 2—4000 37,5 1,74 0,046
7 l 2—4000 37,5 1,73 0,046
8 r 0—2000 37,5 1,23 0,033 IThe furrows in the sole were not
T-J 8 l 0—2000 37,5 1,08 0,029 Jworn off by the first 2000 strokes.
n 8 r 2—4000 37,5 0,75 0,020 )The furrows in the sole had not
8 l 2—4000 37,5 0,61 0,016 J yet been quite worn off.
• 0,031
9 r 0—2000 56,2 1,77
9 l 0—2000 56,2 1,80 0,032
9 r 2—4000 56,2 1,89 0,034
9 l 2—4000 56,2 2,10 0,037
10 r 0—2000 55,5 1,72 0,031
10 Z 0—2000 55,5 1,62 0,029
10 r 2—4000 55,5 0,55 0,010
10 l 2—4000 55,5 0,60 0,011