Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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184 o. Various Researches. In the course of time a great many examinations have, of course, been made at the Danish States Testing Laboratory beyond those stated above. Some of these are to be named here. Thus the common examinations of paper, yarn and stuffs have been macle. The Laboratory being badly equipped for the testing of yarn and stuffs, we have been obliged to help ourselves in the best possible way. Thus the apparatus shown in p. 78 in fig. 28 for adhesion experiments has been employed for testing the strength of string for mowers, one end of the yarn being fastened to the dynamometer M, while the other end were wound round the axle A. A single time the Laboratory has tried to examine the re- sistance to wear of cloth in determining which sort of cloth among several forwarded could be assumed to give off the least of fluff when worn, as the cloth was to be employed by ladies serving fine apparatus which were disturbed on fluffs flying into them. From the different sorts of cloth uniform square pieces were cut off, the one narrow edge of which was fastened along generators on a drum at the same distance from one another. Near the drum was placed a sloping board coated with sand- paper, so that on the drum rotating the floating pieces of cloth were dragged in the same way down the surface of the sand-paper and thus worn. Afterwards the appearance of the sorts was judged of. Although being far from good the tests gave some information nevertheless, and were, indeed, very simple and cheap. For the examination of isolating materials for steam- pipes the Laboratory has employed an installation, principally the same as that found in the Testing Laboratory in Gothenburg and described in the place named below1). To examine the resistance of incandescent mantles to shakings the Laboratory had an apparatus made as shown at p. 99 in fig. 36 by means of a rather simple addition to a Böhme’s hammer-apparatus of older construction1). The lever-prop V is laid with a knife edge O dividing it in the proportion 1 : 2 on a support. The support is anchored by means of some of the ties of the hammer-aparatus, as it Svensk tekn. Tidskrift 1901. 2) Annual Report of the Laboratory 1903.