Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893
År: 1895
Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 118
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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I 12
Bedeutung beilegen, dazu ist das Ornament nicht mannigfaltig
genug. Mit Freuden begrüssen wir daneben eine Reihe von na-
turalistisch gehaltenen Vignetten und Zierstücken zur Verwendung
in Werken, die den täglichen Verkehr, die Gewerbe, die Land-
wirthschaft etc. zum Vorwurf haben und geradezu als mustergiltig
und nachstrebenswerth bezeichnet werden können.
Endelig giver, som omtalt i Indledningen til dette Afsnit, det
ansete amerikanske Fagblad »The Inland Printer« i sit Oktoberhæfte
1893 følgende Omtale af den danske Katalog, hvilken her gengives
med de den ledsagende, efter Katalogen reproducerede Illustrationer.
this note is a
of the most interesting books of the Fair is the
handsome catalogue of the Royal Danish Commis-
sion — judged by itself as a specimen of book-
making. It is printed in English on paper of fine
quality, the product of the United Danish Paper
Mills. Messrs. Nielsen & Lydiche, of Copenhagen,
are the printers, and the work is certainly admi-
rably done. The ornamental designs are by Hans Tegner, and are
marked by originality and strenght. The headpiece to
half-reduction from the chapter of Historical Notes, from
the title-page of which the design of the two Vikings
is also taken. In the department of bookmaking the
Danish Society for Promoting Bookwork offers many
attractions — the device of the society, it will be noted,
has been in corporated in the head piece shown below.