Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893

År: 1895

Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 118

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

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I 12 CHICAGOUDSTILLINGEN Bedeutung beilegen, dazu ist das Ornament nicht mannigfaltig genug. Mit Freuden begrüssen wir daneben eine Reihe von na- turalistisch gehaltenen Vignetten und Zierstücken zur Verwendung in Werken, die den täglichen Verkehr, die Gewerbe, die Land- wirthschaft etc. zum Vorwurf haben und geradezu als mustergiltig und nachstrebenswerth bezeichnet werden können. Endelig giver, som omtalt i Indledningen til dette Afsnit, det ansete amerikanske Fagblad »The Inland Printer« i sit Oktoberhæfte 1893 følgende Omtale af den danske Katalog, hvilken her gengives med de den ledsagende, efter Katalogen reproducerede Illustrationer. WORLD’S FAIR CATALOGUE OF THE ROYAL DANISH COMMISSION this note is a of the most interesting books of the Fair is the handsome catalogue of the Royal Danish Commis- sion — judged by itself as a specimen of book- making. It is printed in English on paper of fine quality, the product of the United Danish Paper Mills. Messrs. Nielsen & Lydiche, of Copenhagen, are the printers, and the work is certainly admi- rably done. The ornamental designs are by Hans Tegner, and are marked by originality and strenght. The headpiece to half-reduction from the chapter of Historical Notes, from the title-page of which the design of the two Vikings is also taken. In the department of bookmaking the Danish Society for Promoting Bookwork offers many attractions — the device of the society, it will be noted, has been in corporated in the head piece shown below.