Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893
År: 1895
Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 118
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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Several half-tones of bindings designed by Th. Bindesbøll and Hans Tegner
show the beauties of the original bindings excellenty well. A photolitho in
colors of the page of the Flateybook wherein the discovery of Vineland (America)
about the year 1000 is mentioned, is beautifully executed, and awakens the
deepest interest. The book got
it name from being kept for a
long time at the island of Flatey
in the bay of »Breidafjord.« The
pages of this folio manuscript,
we are told, are bound in two
volumes, and since 1662 it has
belonged to the Great Royal
library at Copenhagen.
Fine illustrations from wood
cuts and half-tones adorn the
catalogue — the half-tones being
from the paintings of Danish
artists. These cuts, we note,
were executed by F. Hendriksen.
Miss C. Suzette Skovgaard
has an Illustration of a »decoration
dish with a little Japanese and a
goose«. We have utilized Miss
Skovgaard’s design typographi-
cally as an initial in calling attention to this elegant catalogue, in which
the work, from the striking and artistic cover to the last page, is marked
by thoroughness and taste.