Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893
År: 1895
Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 118
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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Novel and well aranged Coffee Roaster. Its novelty consists in
the roaster being entirely closed and operated from the outside.
Fresh coffee is introduced, the progress of the work tested and
the finished product removed without opening the roasting
chamber, thus preventing the escape of volatile elements or
Sørensen, Frederik, Skomager, Esbjerg.
Bunde- og Forsaalemaskine for Haa.ndskoma.geri.
New method of fastening inner and outer soles together, which
involves the use of a staple, made of sheet metal, having tines
about 5/lc inch long, which are mechanically driven into the
insole in the same way that pegs are commonly used; in this
method, however, they are but partially driven and their double
points are left projecting about */4 inch above the surface, in a
line all the way around the sole. Upon these points is laid
the bottom sole or tap, which is hammered down upon them;
they are so beveled that, as they enter the leather, they be-
come curved and each forms a hook which securely fastens the
soles together but does not show on the face of the outer
sole, which thus appears to have been sewn on. The shoes
appear durable. This method of fastening on soles of shoes
and the appliances for putting it into practical operation arc
Afdeling G. Samfærdselsmidler
Barth, S. Cur., Oberst, Hørsholm.
First class in workmanship and material. The long pad-bars
enable animals to carry their loads with greater ease than the
old style.
Frihavns-Aktieselskab, Kjøbenhavns, Kjøbcnhavn.
Model af Kjøbenhavns Frihavn.
A fine and comprehensive model of the extensive Free-Port
works of Copenhagen, with charts showing the sea routes to
and from that city. The Danish Government, by building the
port and showing this model, illustrates the facilities which it
has provided for the commercial world, and shows the way, in
which they are to be utilized.
Kastrup, J. J., Vægtfabrikant, Kjøbcnhavn.
Medicin-Indgivningsapparat til Bieste.
An improved appliance for administering medicine to horses,
which shows merit.