Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893

År: 1895

Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 118

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

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DANMARKS DELTAGELSE 79 Münchener Beer Lager Beer Maximum possible Brilliancy . • • B 14 15 Flavor . . IS I s 20 Commercial Importance . 16 16 20 Chemical Analysis • • 43 41 45 Afdeling E. Miner, Minedrift, Metallurgi Faxe Kalkbrud, Aktieselskabet, Faxe. Kalksten. Great purity and abundance of the limestone as shown by a large tetragonal pyramid from the Faxe Quarry, Faxe, Denmark. This quarry is stated to have been worked for over four-hundred years, but on a large scale only during the past forty years. The output has now reached about 90,000 tons annually. The limestone is a pure coral-rag approximating to 99 per cent of carbonate of lime. Four large colored photographs near the base of the trophy show admirably the character of the quarry workings; and afford evidence of the almost inexhaustible supply available. Stevns Klint, Kjøbenhavn. Kridtsten. Excellent quality of the raw materials, the illustration of their uses and application, and the general arrangement of the exhibit which is arranged in the form of a trophy and illustrates the resources and productions of the Faxe-Linhamn Quarries, Stevns Cliff, Denmark. It is reported, that the chalk stone from Stevns Cliff was used for building purposes during the Middle Ages; it is, however, now only used for the embellishment of buildings, as it is capable of being easily worked with joiners’ tools. It is used also in cement works, aerated water manufactories, and prepared as whitening for paint purposes. The flint pebbles are burned to an opaque white color and exported for glazing purposes in china manufactories. The exhibit illustrates the different degrees of preparation necessary for market. Afdeling F. Maskinvæsen Petersen, Lindved, Fabrikant, Kjøbenhavn. Kaffer is temaskine.