Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893

År: 1895

Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 118

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

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Side af 126 Forrige Næste
86 CHICAGOUDSTILLINGEN Michelsen, H., Købmand, St. Thomas. Bay Salt og Bay Rum. For excellence of a combination of Sal ammonia with a fine grade of Bay Rum, is novel and good. For neatness of package. »Bay Rum«. For excellence of Bay Rum, which is nearly white, very pure and the odor delicate and lasting. Nordemann, Magnus, Juveler, Kjøbenhavn. Sølvsmedarbejde. A copy of the Castle of Rosenborg in massive nickeled silver with the bricks gilded. The Castle was built by Christian the IV in 1609. The work is very fine, especially the 12 small statues situated in front of the Castle, representing 12 savants of the country of that epoch. Olsen, A. Ingemann, Billedskærer, Kjøbenhavn. Billedskar er arbejder. Artistic modeling and most skillful workmanship. Petersen, Julie, f. Wagner, Frue, Kjøbenhavn. Kunstbroderi og Hedebosyning. An extensive collection of embroidery samples, comprising different technics, quite perfect in execution. Petersen, Niels, Blikkenslager, Brønderslev. Blik- og Messingarbejder. For careful workmanship in hand-made tin ware. Petersen, P. T., Konsul, Randers. Trasko. Good workmanship; large assortiment displayed; and the variety of styles. Plum, Chr. & Vald., Møbelfabrikanter, Kjøbenhavn. Spisestue-Møblement. For strength and purity of composition, ornate example of Italian Renaissance ornamentation; excellence of inlaid work; high skill in cabinet work. Porcellænsfabrik, Den Kongl., Kjøbenhavn. Porcellan. Naturalistic flower paintings. Rococo service with artistically executed landscapes, and exquisite, blue decorated set, å la Meissen. Completely new and destinguished decorations under the glazing, with many excellent effects in landscapes, as well as plain ornamentations. Equally new and prominent effects shown on vessels decorated with metallic-oxides over the glazing.