Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893
År: 1895
Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 118
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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Prior, Adolph, Fabrikant, Kjøbenhavn.
Sko- ag Ladersværter.
For a varied assortment of well made dressings for both light
and dark colored leather.
Prior, Maud, Frøken, Kjøbenhavn.
En Stol med Brandmaleri.
Originality of design and decoration, and good execution.
Randers Drejerlav, Randers.
Dr ej er arbejder.
Beautifully turned wood-work, excellent in point of design,
elegance of finish and polish.
Rasmussen, Lauritz, Hof-Metalstøber, Kjøbenhavn.
For good execution of bronze castings.
Rasmussen, C. M., & Spies, Fabrikanter, Kjøbenhavn.
For a well made oil blacking for harness, giving the leather a
good color and assisting in its preservation.
Ruse, A. H., Apotheker, St. Thomas.
Bay Olje, Bay Rum, St. Croix Rum.
For excellence of oil which is of unusually fine quality, showing
great skill in its manufacture.
»Bay Rum«. For the fragrance and purity of the article,
and the great care taken in its manufacture.
»St. Croix Rum«. For excellence, viz: The essential aromatic
ethers contained in the rum being fine, produces an agreable
aroma. In testing by odor no amylic acid is perceptible. In
testing by burning, it shows a proper amount of alcohol and
remaining heavy essentials of fine quality. All tests show that
it is excellent.
Ring, Nanna, Frøken, Kjøbenhavn.
A very7 extensive display, every piece of which responds to all
demands, which can be made of such kinds of work. The ex-
hibitor excels in ecclesiastical and imitations of old embroideries.
The imitation of an embroidered silk cover found in the shrine
of St. Canute at Odense, is especially praiseworthy.
Sasse-Czarnewsky, Mathilde, Frøken, Kjøbenhavn.
The exhibit consists of animal studies after life. The execution
of the embroidered pictures is the work of an artist, and is