Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893
År: 1895
Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 118
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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Digitaliseret bog
Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
art of book making. The book binding, especially in leather
mosaics, is unsurpassed in beauty of design and artistic finish.
Græbe, C. E., Bogtrykker, Kjøbenhavn.
The collection shows the best methods of typography; clearness,
symmetry and accuracy.
Hansen, Cari., Lektor, Kjøbenhavn.
Pinetus Danicum.
A splendid contribution to science and of great educational
Hoffensbergs litografiske Etablissement, Kjøbenhavn.
The lithographic chromos, architectural works and geographic
maps are excellently executed.
Høckf.ndorff, P., Oblatfabrikant, Kjøbenhavn.
Oblater med ophøjet Tryk.
Sharpness of outline, artistic execution and cheapness.
Jensen, Juncker-, Fotograf, Kjøbenhavn.
The size and importance of the collection and the skillful exe-
Jensen, Tang, Klaviaturfabrikant, Kjøbenhavn.
Klaviaturer og Modeller af Mekaniker til Pianoer.
For good workmanship and the use of the best materials. For
careful adjustment of the various parts to secure promt, firm
and easy action.
Kastrup, J. J., Vægtfabrikant, Kjøbenhavn.
Medicin-Indgivningsapparat for Dyr.
For ingenuity and utility.
Kittendorff, A., Litograf, Kjøbenhavn.
The exhibit consists of artistic lithographic reproductions of
Danish paintings. The execution shows the highest technical
Knudsen, Cornelius, Mekanisk Instrumentmager, Kjøbenhavn.
Universal Bathometer.
For solid construction and accuracy of graduation.