Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893
År: 1895
Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 118
UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago
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Digitaliseret bog
Bogens tekst er maskinlæst, så der kan være en del fejl og mangler.
Mikkelsen, Axel, Sløjdskoleforstander, Kjøbenhavn.
Valuable and excellent drawings, and an honor to the training
schools of Denmark.
Milo, Chr., Boghandler og Bogtrykker, Odense.
The collection shows good printing and superior illustrating.
Nielsen & Lydiche, Bogtrykkere, Kjøbenhavn.
This exhibit shows superior printing, especially noticeable in the
catalogue of the Danish section of the Worlds Columbian Expo-
Nørholm, A., Kompasmager, Kjøbenhavn.
Multiplicator Kompasser.
For excellence of design and special adaptability to conning
Pacht & Crones Illustrationsetablissement, Kjøbenhavn.
The collotypes of scientific subjects are excellently done. The
exhibitor makes skillful use of the photomechanical process.
Paetz, Harald, Hof-Fotograf, Kjøbenhavn.
For excellence of instantaneous photographs.
Petersen, 1mm., (D. L. Clements Eftf.), Hof-Bogbinder, Kjøbenhavn.
Indbundne Bøger.
Showing uniformly high grade of workmanship in binding and
Petersen, P., (Egmont H. Petersen), Bogtrykker, Kjøbenhavn.
Bøger og Forretnvngslryksager.
The collection is extensive and interesting. It shows superior
typography, excellent job printing and exact work in colors.
Rom, N. C., Forlagsboghandler, Kjøbenhavn.
Skolebøger og industrielle Varker.
The entire collection shows good typography and excellent
press work. The color printing of maps is exact and carefully
Schou, Albert, Fotograf, Kjøbenhavn.
Fotografier af Thorvaldsens Arbejder.
For the size and importance of the collection.