Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893

År: 1895

Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 118

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

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Side af 126 Forrige Næste
94 CHICAGOUDSTILLINGEN Staggemeier, A., Oberstløjtnant, Kjøbenhavn. Landkaart og Kaart. The maps are prepared with accuracy and skill. The system employed is new and instructive. The typographic work is excellent. Steen, Mary, Hof-Fotograf, Kjøbenhavn. Fotografier. For artistic grouping, and pose and good management of light. Teisen, Maja, Frøken, Kjøbenhavn. Tegnesystem for aandssvage Børn. A valuable contribution to the educational scheme so urgently required for the feeble minded. Thiele, H. H., Bogtrykker, Kjøbenhavn. Bøger og Chromotypograf. The entire collection shows excellent printing, superior illu- strating and artistic workmanship throughout. Truelsen, Martius, Bogtrykker, Kjøbenhavn. Bøger og Forretningstryksager. Excellence of illustrations on wood, half-tones and zincograph work. Afdeling M. Ethnologi m. v. Magnusson, S. E., Reikjavik, Island. Samling af islandske Antikviteter, Metalarbejder, Feeder, Smykker, Ringe etc. A rare and valuable representative collection of Icelandic silver work, including some antique and historical objects. A curious silver chain with triple links, is said to have be- longed to the last Roman Catholic Bishop of Iceland, Yan Ara- son, who was beheaded in 1550. Another chain of silver gilt filagree with a crucifix appended, is of a date previous to the Reformation. Another chain with links of irregular size is said to have belonged to Snorri Sturlesson, the author of the Edda, who lived in the 1 3th century. These claims rest upon tradition only. The workmanship and design of the belt ornaments and clasps, buttons and ornaments are quaint and original, though some resemble Norwegian and Dutch types. A peculiarity of Icelandic origin, seems to be the method of perforating solid silver discs and surrounding each hole with filagree threads, the leaf shaped pendant seems also to be characteristic of Iceland.