Shop Management

Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor

År: 1911

Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers

Sted: New York and London

Sider: 207

UDK: 658.01 Tay

With an introduction by Henry R. Towne

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114 SHOP MANAGEMENT of which there have been issues or receipts, or which has been appropriated to the use of a machine about to be manufactured, is daily balanced. Thus the balance clerk can see that the required stocks of materials are kept on hand by notifying at once the purchasing agent or other proper party when the amount on hand falls below the prescribed figure. The balance clerk should also keep a complete run- ning balance of the hours of work ahead for each class of machines and workmen, receiving for this purpose daily from (a), (6), and (c) above statements of the hours of new work entered, and from the inspectors and daily time cards a statement of the work as it is finished. He should keep the manager and sales department posted through daily or weekly con- densed reports as to the number of days of work ahead for each department, and thus enable them to obviate either a congestion or scarcity of work. (e) The Analysis of All Inquiries for New Work Received in the Sales Department and Promises as to Time of Delivery. The man or men in the planning room who per- form the duties indicated at (a) above should consult with (b) and (c) and obtain from them approximately the time required to do the work inquired for, and from (d) the days of work ahead for the various machines and departments, and in- form the sales department as to the probable time required to do the work and the earliest date of delivery.